verse of the day

Saturday 27 April 2013

Are you struggling? [ Psalm 103 ]

I must confess I am struggling,I think I am beginning to feel my age, I attended a prayer meeting and  although I did enter in somewhat I felt I may as well not have been there.The day had been very busy,I arose very early in the morning .to read Gods word and to pray,get breakfast,get ready,do my blog.Then I had to do shopping for the group I help run,went to dentist. I then collected one of my clients took him for breakfast,collected two more people and brought them to the group,help run the group,which meant getting tables and chairs out,helping with the dinner,washing up dishes,talking and engaging with the clients.I then transported three clients home,and then back to the office,and  work on the computer,then I  went home, made the dinner for two of us, a very full day,and of course then to the prayer meeting. I think God understands when I say I am struggling,he does not judge me,condemn me,shout at me,no He really understands.Let me also say He does not want us to carry guilt around with us,if you are tired ,mybe it is just because you are busy,which can bring on mental and physical weariness,don't add guilt to it. I leave the following words with you from Psalm 103 v 13-14,/Like as a father pitieth his children ,so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame,He remembereth that we are dust/
A  prayer....../ Dear God thank You for all You help us do,we thank You that You understand when we are tired,understand that we are but dust.and you love us even when we are struggling,we thank You in Jesus name Amen /

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