verse of the day

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Usury. [ 1 Timothy 6 v10 ]

Psalm 15 v 5/ He that putteth not out his money to usury/The word usury is a practice of loaning out money at an exorbitan rates.Crudence in his concordance writes,/The Hebrews were plainly commanded in Ex 22v25,not to recieve interest,from any who borrowed for necessity,as in the case in Neh5 .v5/7/Also they were commanded  to free all Hebrew slaves and cancel every debt every 50 years [Leviticus 25],Dickson says God calleth for moderation,the situation in so many countries at this present time is about debt, many people borrowed without thinking, but also the bankers did not take into consideration that many people were going to suffer ,all they saw was the profit. Then there are loan sharks, these need to rooted out as they take advantage, mainly of the poorest in our society.The whole point of lending should not be to take advantage of someone, but rather to help that person through a difficulty, the one who lends should me motivated by love,for people, and not a love for money .
A   prayer....../ Dear God help those who are in debt, help us to be always motivated by a  love for people, to always show a kind and generous spirit to those in need, in Jesus name, Amen ./

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