verse of the day

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Divorce its fallout. [ Isaiah 61 v 1-3 ]

I attended my friends 50th wedding anniversary celebrations recently,fifty years of  marriage,how this is so contrary to life now, yet having said that ,let us not judge those whose marriage has ended in divorce. Instead let us pray for them, let us welcome them,and help them, yes marriage is for life,and for many, who enter into marriage,they dont want a divorce ,they dont want to hurt their children, for as we know children do suffer ,again let us pray for such children. And what about the grandparents who find themselves deprived of thier grandchildren,this can be painful,as a rule there are no winners in divorce. If you have been divorced dont let bitterness destroy you,it can, learn to forgive, for it is the only way forward,unforgiveness, bitterness are nobodies friends,and we need to part company with them. I believe marriage with all its potential pitfalls is Gods purpose for mankind, and any society who forgets this, will suffer. So today let us pray for those who are experiencing difficulties in their marriage,for those who have been divorced, and for all who are experiencing the painfall fall outs,from that experience.
A  prayer....../Dear God we bring to You the many in our society who are suffering so much pain because of divorce,the children, the grandparents,the couples who divorced,so much pain, so many lives messed up, have mercy,and in Thy mercy turn them to Thyself, the only one who can heal and effectively help, in Jesus name we ask this Amen/

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