verse of the day

Friday 15 June 2012

They went back.[John 6v 66ff]

A gospel song asks the question,/are you growing weary in the struggle of it all?/,I must confess I do get weary at times, the continual battle with temptation,I suppose that is why I love the Psalms .In the Psalms you have people who struggled with life ,of continual trials,of friend who betrayed them,of feeling cast down of wanting to get away from it all,it is all there in the Psalms.So how did they get through?, an important question,for if we dont know the answer to that, we will be overcome,mybe even give up. It seems to me ,that they always looked to God to help them,in their struggles they did not turn away from God,instead they turned to Him. In John 6 v66ff we read how some of our Lords disciples ,went back,and walked with Him no more, I sadly know so many who have done this,went back,I heard a man who had recently become a Christian, say he would never go back to his old life.The old life for him was one of destructiveness, of self and others .When these disciples turned away ,Jesus asked the 12, do you want to go away as well?, it was Peter who answered, Lord to whom shall we go?,You have the words of eternal life. In other words they realized that Jesus and only Jesus had the answer,not just to life, but to eternal life. As one gets older you realize how brief life is,and how important our relationship with Jesus is,go back,you must be mad,no it it is onward ever onward,to heaven and our eternal home.Esther Kerr Rusthoi wrote/It will be worth it all when we see Jesus, lifes trials will seem so small,when we se Christ. One glimpse of His dear face,all sorrow will erase, so bravely run the race , till we see Christ/
A prayer...../Dear Lord grant us grace to press on,let not our struggles blind us to the folly of  going back,help us to bravely run the race,till we see You Amen /

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