verse of the day

Saturday 9 June 2012

Seeing things aright [ Matthew 25 v31ff ]

Psalm 15 v4 /In whose eyes a vile person is despised, but he honours those who fear the Lord/What I believe is being taught here is ,to look at things aright,and to honour those who are godly. In  Isaiah 5 v20, we read /Woe to those who call evil good and good evil/ ,people often have a distorted veiw of life, there were many who wept at the death of Stalin,and there are many who still admire Hitler'.In the entertainment industry the thieves and robbers are often depicted as heroes,and in many places in the world the godly are despised and persecuted. We should see things as they are,our Saviour saw people as they were sinners,and spoke of a day in which,the godly and ungodly would be judged.[Matthew 25v31ff] W Plumer wrote the following as to our attitude,/The feelings of the righteous towards the wicked is not that proud, haughty, malignant contempt, which marks the behaviour of the wicked towards the children of God. It is just,true,benevolent. It is the abhorrence of his character, not his person /. As to the wicked, we must never forget ,what the apostle points out,/And such were some of you [1 Corinthians 6 v11]/,after all, we are as Christians saved by grace,it is the grace of God that has saved us,and keeps us,and so in seeing things as they are,we should see clearly man as he trully is,a sinner who needs a Saviour. We should pray and encourage those who are  suffering for righteousness sake,and there are so many who are suffering, who are being treated as filth,being destitude,afflicted,tormented,of whom the world is not worthy[Henrews 11v37-38 ]
A  prayer.../ Dear God in this world of distorted veiws and values, help us to see things aright in Jesus name Amen /

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