verse of the day

Thursday 21 June 2012

No one is perfect [ Philippians 3 v13-14 ]

Sorry to those who read my blogs ,I dont always have time to check the spelling, and when I do and find mistakes I get annoyed. But it also reminds me that none of us are perfect,and mistakes have always something to teach us.Edward John  Phelps ,said,/ The man who makes no mistakes does not  usually make anything/. So now I am beginning to feel better, well until the next mistake,as a father and a husband I have made mistakes, I wish I could undo them, but that is not possible. One day not so long ago my oldest boy phoned me up and said he forgave me, I dont know what exactly for, but it was to do with the possible mistakes ,I had made in relation to my lack of parenting skills.When I consider how ill prepared I was for marriage, and to be a parent, I cringe,coming from a broken family, didnt help. I am trully sorry for those mistakes I made in relation to my children ,but here is the good news, all five of them have trusted the Lord Jesus to be their Saviour.  So take heart,our God can work through us,to our families good inspite of our mistakes,dont crucify yourself because of your mistakes,and dont let the devil do it ether.
 A prayer...../ Dear God You know how imperfect we are,our lives often appear contridictions, we blow it so often,yes Father we make mistakes, sometimes the same ones, again and again, forgive us,help us ever to strive to be perfect, in love ,and obedience, yet when we fail, help us not to live under a cloud of condemnation,for that is not Your will for any of us, in Jesus name Amen/

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