verse of the day

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Two roads. ( Revelation 3 v 20)

                                          ' I shall be telling this with a sigh,
                                      Somewhere ages and ages hence;
                                          Two roads diverged in a wood,and I-
                                           I took the one lessed travelled by
                                          And that has made all the difference.'      

This is a verse of a poem by Robert Frost,it the last lines  spoke to me,'that he took the road less travelled ,and that made all the difference'. iIt reminds me of what our Saviour taught in Matthew7 v 13-14 ,which reads of a broad road that leads to destruction ,and that there are many on that road.Then there is the narrow road that leads to life,and only a few find it.   In luke 13 v 23 someone asked our Saviour ,'Lord are only a few people going to be saved',putting the two scriptures together  it appears that the answer is yes,it reminds us of the flood in Genesis  6-8 ,were only 8 people were saved.I believe there will be millions who will be saved,but billions won't be. It is very sad that the majority of people that has ever lived will perish .In Luke 13 v24 our Lord stresses that people should make every effort to get saved while there is still time ,death is coming to all of us ,we must see the importance of trusting Jesus as our Saviour now ,no matter what it cost us,yes, even if it cost us our lives .(Matthew 10 v28)   Our Saviour used a very graphic term to describe the suffering of the lost, 'That they will be thrown  outside into darkness,where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth', CP 'Matthew 8 v12/ 13 v42/25 v30. If people die without Christ there will be no mercy shown, so  very simply, I say to you in Love ,'Believe in the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved' (Acts 16 v31)    

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