John 3 v16 tells us of God's love for the world with all it's billions of people,in 1 Timothy 2 v1,we are urged that we should pray for all people,and in v 3-4 we read,'This is good,and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.' William Carey is known as the father of modern missions.He felt the call of God on his life to go to India ,and when he stood up and expressed that desire at a gathering of Christian leaders he was told,'Young man,sit down! You are an enthusiast.When God pleases to convert the heathen,He'll do it without consulting you or me.' Thankfully he didn't listen to him ,and so he went to India,and God used him to accomplish great things. One of the things he said was,'Expect great things from God,attempt great things for God. To know the will of God,we need an open Bible and a open map'. When we forget to evangelise,to tell people people the good news of Jesus and His love ,we have lost our way,we cannot take the go out of the gospel.When we have a desire to reach the lost,we are doing what God desires.Consider 'how shall they hear without a preacher ?, the fact is they won't,if we don't tell them. Proverbs 11 v30 tells us,'He that winneth souls is wise'. Let us be wise,people may think you a fool, but don't worry about that,be a fool for Jesus.
'He that winneth souls is wise;
In the home beyond the skies;
There's a crown of Glory,oh, the
wondrous prize,
He that winneth souls is wise'.
Words Elizae E. Hewitt
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