In Revelaton 3 v 14-21 Christ speaks to the church in Laodicea that wandered from Christ ,to a point that Christ was shut out,the riches of this world had blinded them to the riches of Christ. So Christ speaks to them with words of love,for He did truly love then, but warns them that He will deal with them,and urges them to repent. In verse 20 we have a picture of Jesus standing at a door knocking,the church is on the otherside,here is what He says,' Here I am!I stand at the door and knock.If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,I will come in and eat with that person,and they with me'.Although He is speaking to the church it is addressed to anyone in that church ,to respond and open their hearts to Him. The question will they respond? These words are spoken to a Church but they can be applied to anyone,to the unsaved ,and to the saved.My mind goes back to a long time ago,to an elderly person I worked with, he attended church,heard the gospel many times, and wept,yet kept Christ out of his life.There are those who hear the gospel, and say not now, tomorrow,'And when the morrow came in the words of the poet ,'' they answered still,''Tomorrow''.No matter who we are be it a Christian or non- Christian ,if today you hear His voice harden not your hearts.
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