verse of the day

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Dare to stand alone. ( Ephesians 6 v 19 - 20)

Often it can cost ,to stand for what you believe,when Corrie ten Boom and family were arrested for  harbouring Jews,that included their elderly father,they were taken to be imterrogated.A German officer spoke to her father,he said ,''I'd like to send you home,old fellow,if you give me your word that you won't cause anymore trouble'' . The old man replied,'' If I  go home today'' speaking evenly and clearly, ''tomorrow I will open my door again to any man in need who knocks''. So that put an end to that,he was kept in captivity,but he did not live long after that. Most of the disciples suffered martyrdom, and right up to this day millions of Christians have died for their faith,and I'm sure there will be many more who will suffer imprisionment and death for their faith. In the book of Daniel  chap 3 the King  set up an image of gold,and give the order that everyone had to bow down and whoship the gold image,and if they didn't they would be cast into a firey furance.Three young Jews refused to do that,brought before the King they told him ,that God  would deliver them, but even if He does not,they would not worship the image. Their friend Daniel was thrown into a den of lions for refusing the kings command ,all those young men survived,but for many in this world  at this present time are suffering greatly because they are Christians                                                       ' Dare to be a  Daniel! Dare to stand alone!

                                                     Dare to have a purpose firm! Dare to make

                                                      it known'

                                                                         Words Philip Paul  Blis.

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