Someone described a former President of America and his wifes new home,as looking like heaven,so if you want to know what heaven looks like,go and look at that home. Well lets come back to reality,I believe heaven will be a wonderful place,I know that only those who know Jesus will go there,I know our triune God is there,and the angels are there,I know that there will be no sickness or sorrow ,and no death, all suffering will have ceased,no lonliness or fear will exsist,it will be a place of perfect harmony, we will never feel anger, we will be perfectly content,everyone will be our friend,everyone will be our family,it will be truly wonderful.Comparing a building here to be like heaven,is foolishness.There is so much we don't know,but this I do know it will be wonderful beyond description, it will truly be heavenly. As one writer puts it ,Heaven is not simply a polished enhanced and sanitized version of earth,a different and better tune played on the old,familiar instruments. It will be new!
'Are you going to heaven?
or are you going to......?
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