When I young we used to play ,'follow the leader',it was good fun,but in our spiritual lives we must take it very serious. Which leads us to consider Peters experience which we read of in John 21,when Christ sought to restore and reinstate him.The first thing our did Saviour did was challenge him as regards his love for Him ,without love for our Saviour there can be no relationship. Next He instructed him to minister and care for those who belong to Christ,we all have to do that to a certain extempt,but leaders of God's people have a very big responsibility,of which they will be held accountable.Our Saviour also tells Peter of the kind of death he would suffer,and we believe he was crucified,it would be nice to die quietly in our beds,but for many suffering Christians, death can be very severe.Last but not least He tells Peter and he tells us personally.'You must follow Me',as our Saviour was talking Peter looked around and saw John the beloved disciple, and he said to our Lord,'what about him?'and our Lord replied ,'what is that to you? You must follow me'.Hear this, take this in,have it tattooed on your hearts.No matter who hurts you, be they Christian or non-Christian,we must follow Him.
' I have decided to follow Jesus
No turning back,no turning back.
Though none go with me;
Still I will follow.
No turning back,No turning back'
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