verse of the day

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

If only. ( Psalm 81)

Psalm 81 speaks of Israel being set free  from their slavery in Egypt ,the opening verses commence by exhorting  then to sing and to praise God.God had removed the burden they had been carrying,and when they had been in distress God had rescued them, but He had tested them.and also warned then not to worship other gods but worship Him.But they would not listen and they refused to submit to God,so He left them to their own devices. Verse 13 reads ,' Oh, that my people would listen to Me,that Israel would walk in my ways',oh what  difference that would have made.It is Scroggie who comments,'It is a sad thing  when they who had been delivered from Egyptian bondage go into Babylonian captivity'. Our Lord Jesus lamented over Jerusalem ,in Matthew 23 v37  we read,'O Jerusalem,Jerusalem,the city that kills the prophets  and stones God's messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn't let me'.Israel acted like so many stubborn children that refused to listen to a loving mother and a loving father,and found out to their cost,that they should hsve listened. How many people have listed to the Gospel,and rejected it,and paid an awful price,their lives have been ruined,and their soul lost for all eternity, The safest thing,and the wisest thing one could ever do,is to listen to God and obey Him.


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