verse of the day

Thursday 5 September 2024

We shall overcome. ( Isaiah 12 v 2 )3

Let us continue to look at the weapons we have to aid us in our battle against,the devil and all those under his control,the next one we want to consider is the 'The shield of faith',(Ephesians 6 v16)this is described as a defence against the firey darts of the evil one.   William Barclay describes it as a great oblong shield that protected  the soldiers from darts dipped with tow and dipped in pitch,it was a vital part of their armoury.As Christians our faith is always under attack, by doubt,and multitude of other things,and even from ourselves,yes there is enemy within and the enemy without.In 1 John 5 v4  we read,'For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world,even our faith'.Today whatever your circumstance  have faith in God,in His word ,in His promises,and in His faithfulness.

                                                       'Begone unbelief! My Savioiur is near

                                                        And for my relief will surely appear.

                                                        By prayer let me wrestle  and He will perform;

                                                        With Christ in the vessel I smile at the storm.'

                                                                              John Newton.


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