verse of the day

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Being a disciple ( Matthew 10 v 37 - 39 )

'Thank You that you've called us to be your disciples and that we not left on our own' (words from the prayer} What is a disciple? ,one person describes being a disciple in three ways,(1) Reorientation which means changing our focus and direction  ,before we become a Christian we focus on so many things,often wrong thing following every whim and fancys,but now our focus must be on Jesus (2)One who responds to the call of Jesus,whatever that  may cost,and whatever that may mean.In many parts of the world it means being consider a traitor, being hated,that's the price of being a disciple, Words of a song comes to mind,'I have decided to follow Jesus,though none come with me,still I will follow'. ( 3 ) One who listens to Jesus teaching and lives it out daily.All Christiasns are disciples of Jesus,but the important thing is this,we are not left on our own,He will be with us at all times,strengthening us, guiding us, and helping us.

                                                  'Take up your cross and follow Me.

                                                    though it bring shame and agony

                                                    though men forsake and turn  away'




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