verse of the day

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Pilgrims. ( 2 Timothy 4 v7-8)

Jacob ttravelled up to Egypt to be reunited  to his son Joseph,the son whom he was told had  died , when he arrived, Joseph introduced him to Pharaoh. he asked Jacob,''How old are you?' Jacob replied,''The years of my pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty. My  years have been few and difficult,'' Jacob viewed his time on earth as a pilgrimage, he described it as being few and difficult.( Genesis 47 v8 - 9)Many people go on pilgrimages to so called holy places .Jacob describes his life as a pilgrimage,the fact is, every Christian is on a pilgrimage, the destiny that we are heading toward is no earthly place,like the saints of old, who considered themselves foreigners and strangers on earth.(Hebrews 11 v 13) They longed for a better  country - a heavenly country,  (Hebrews11v 16) This contaminated  planted is only a stop gap,its a tempory residence,it will soon no longer be.Like Jacob we will face difficulties challenges,trisls, they are enevitablei, its the way it is on planet earth. Dear John Bunyan wrote a book called Pilgrims progress,it is worth reading,he describes the journey of Christian the main character in the book, from his salvation to glorification in heaven.We used to sing  a wonderful hynm ,words by John Bunyan ,It  emphasises the steadfastness  that we need to have on our journey to glory and home,

                                          'He who would valiant be gainst all disaster,

                                           Let him in constancy,follow the Master.

                                           There's no discouragement shall make him once relent

                                           His first avowed intent to be a pilgrim.

                                           Who so beset him round with dismal stories,

                                            Do but themselves confound;His strength the more is.

                                            No foes shall stay his might, though he with giants fight

                                            He will make good his right to be a pilgrim.'

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