verse of the day

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Fear or Trust. ( Proverbs 3 v 5-6 )

    I  read recently that we are born   with two inherent fears,'a fear of falling, and a fear of loud noises',while that may be true, one thing for sure we all develop other fears,we call them phobias.Often they are very irrational,yet they are real to us,most of them of then don't affect us to much,but some affect us a great deal.God alone knows what we are like,and so in His word we read,'fear not', many times.Often the disciple were afraid like us,what is the answer to our fears?.I believe trust in God, whatever the fear is., simply trusting our God and Saviour,that seems very simple,but it would surprise  us if we knew how many people refuse to do this.A friend of mine who when he was told that the doctors could not  do anymore for him,  realised he was going to die,from that moment on fear took over,and this caused him and his family a great deal of pain.When difficultess arise be what they may,we have two options,on one side there is panic and fear,On the other side we can trust and not be afraid,we have a choice.Faithful trust in God will bring peace,it is there for the asking,our dear Saviour say's to us today,'Trust Me',have faith in me'

                                                       'Commit thou all thy griefs

                                                       And ways into His hands,

                                                       To His sure truth and tender care,

                                                       Who heaven and earth commands.'


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