verse of the day

Saturday 14 September 2024

He is Lord ( 1 Samuel 15 v 22 )5

 'Help us,Lord Jesus not to fool ourselves by only calling you our Lord but not doing the Fathers will,and trying to be your followers in our own terms' (Amen)We come to the last  thoughts by me on the prayer by a lady in the church I attend'. For our Saviour the will of God was vital,not to be trivaled with, not to be taken lightly, the reason He came, was to do the will of God His Father.He knew if He did not fulfill it, the consequences would be unthinkable for all humanity.He never compromised ,and He bore it though to the bitter yet glorious end.We must follow in His footsteps,we call Him Lord,what does not mean for you and me?  The word Kurios (Lord) in the NT has the meaning of deity,(John 20 v28),it can also mean owner  in 1Corinthians 6 v 20 , we read'we are not our own ,we have been bought with a price'.that means His will must be our will it is not optional,to go against it, is rebellion and sinful.The will of God in all our lives is not negotiable,He expects us to do it.The last part of the prayer speaks of trying to be a follower of Jesus on our terms. To think like that is absolute folly,we are not to dictate to God,if he says somthing is wrong then we are not to do it,morally or whatever.When we start to dictate the terms then we are usurping king Jesus rule in our lives.

                                                          ' King of my life,I crown Thee now,

                                                           Thine shall the glory be;

                                                            Lest I forget Thy thorn brow,

                                                             Lead me to Calvary'

                                                               'Words J.E,Mussey'

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