verse of the day

Monday 2 September 2024

Is it worth while? ( John 6 v9)

I love to see bees in my garden, the bumble bees are lovely,I looked up some interesting things about them,how they navigate,they have five eyes,four wings and six legs,and that during their lifetime they each make 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey.It appears a poor investment,  hardly worth their effort, but let us look at the bigger picture,in a honey bee colony there are up to 50,000 bees.There's a verse in the Bible that says ,'never despise the day of small things,a young lad gave his lunch ,and  over 5000 people were fed (John 6) I often think does my giving make much difference in the work of God in helping people ?when one thinks of the immense need  in some place, surely my little can't do much good.If that was all they were getting it mybe wouldn't, but I know I am not the only one giving and that makes a big difference.So dont feel that the little you give  is of no consequence,added to what others give,it can really make a difference. And yet coming back to that young lad who gave his small lunch, who knows how God will bless whatever we give,be id ever so small ,Let us not  limit it to money,a kind word,a short word of witness,or a cup of cold water.Do what we can, be it ever so small as unto God, he will not despise the smallness of whatever  we do.

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