verse of the day

Tuesday 10 September 2024

That I may know Him. ( Colossians 1 v 9 -10 )1

 ' Dear Lord Jesus ,this morning we come to praise you for this day and for everyday that is given to us an oportunity to get to know you more and to grow in faith, ' These words are the beginning of a prayer I heard from a lady in our church',her prayer blessed me,I will share more of her prayer with you,in the coming days,She thanks our Lord  for this day and everyday,yes everyday is a gift from God, for it is an opportunity to get to know God more.J.I.Packer wrote a helpful  book called ,'Knowing God',that's important,it is not a hard task, God, believe it or not is friendly,we declare that when we sing that old hymn ,'What a friend we have in Jesus ,'I have two lovely grandchildren ,my son and his wife adopted them,they were very young when they were adopted, so they will never really know their birth parents because they will not have a relationship with them. When it comes to God  we need to develop  a relationship with Him,that means getting to  know Him.We get to know Him in so many ways by prayer that's simple,by reading His word,these will help  us to know God , and also help us to grow spiritually. Also as we trust God every new day we get to know that he is faithful,that He is your loving  heavenly Father , unlike some fathers, He will never do us any harm ,only good.So let us each day use it as an opportunity to know our God more and as we get to know Him more we will grow spiritually.

                                                 ' Let me each day ,know Thee as thow art

                                                                Love Thee supremely,

                                                                 Serve Thee wholly,

                                                                  admire Thee fully'

                                                             From the Valley of  Vision.

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