verse of the day

Monday 11 March 2024

Worthless no, Unworthy yes.( Romans 5 v 8)

I was praying and I said to God,'thank you for all I mean to you,words fail me to express what you mean to me'.You loved me when I didn't love you,and you continue to love me and treat me as a loving heavenly Father. Nothing I could do to deserve your great love ,I was the prodigal that went away from you,and  when I turned back to you ,you did not reject me,and turn me away,no ,you welcomed me back with open arms.  Many people could say what I  am saying,and say it more perfectly,how God  welcomed them home from their wanderings away from Him. The old hymn  says,'Though millions have come there's still room for one,there is room at the cross for you'.As long as this day of grace lasts there is always hope, there is a God who wants to restore you if you are a backslider,or if you are unsaved, to save you.If today you hear His voice don't harden your heart ,oh yes, God is speaking,remember you are not  worthless, God values you in your unworthy state,how much does He value you?.Well someone has said,We can never diminish  a person worth,for the King of Glory loves that person infinitely'.Look to the cross,look to the cross,see Jesus the sinless one,who left heaven to die on that cross,The hymn writer asks the question,'Alas! and did my Saviour bleed? 'And did my Saviour die? Would He devote that sacred head,for such a worm as I?. yes,Was it for sins that I had done,He groaned upon the tree?Amazing pity! grace unknown ! and love beyond degree!'

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