verse of the day

Monday 4 March 2024

Two Extremes. ( Matthew 1 v 21- 22)

When I think of God and humanity I see two extremes,in Psalm  8  David asks this question,'When I consider the heavens  the work of your fingers,the moon and the stars,which you have set in place, what is  mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them .William Macdonald writes the following,'Relatively speaking,the planet earth is a speck of dust in the universe. If this is so,what is a single man perched upon this planet? Yet God is interested in every individual!He has a personal, intimate concern for every human being'.It is amazing to think that,yet it is true,these two extremes exist,on one hand you have the being of God and in the other hand you have  man. In Isaiah 40 v 18 we read,' With whom, then will you compare God?',the fact is there is no being that you compare with God ,no one.God in His fulness is beyond our power to comprehend,humanity in their foolishness make idols and say this my God,poor blind wretched creatures that we are.God's ways are past finding out,His thoughts are beyond our thoughts.No wonder the Psalmist declares ,'What is human kind that you are mindful of Him?,but He is,that's the wonderful thing He is mindful of humanity, and that means you and me,it was Hagar who declared ,'You are the God who sees me'.(Gen 16 v 13).He has not forsake humanity, even though humanity has forsaken Him.(Romans 3 v 11-12).Our dear Lord Jesus who is truly God and truly Man came into this world to seek and save you and me,but there was at a great cost ,that involved Him dying on a cross that our sins might be forgiven,that's a great mystery . In that act on Calvary He was declaring,that He not only sees us,and cares for us,He loves us personally.

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