verse of the day

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Not till then. ( Romans 8 v28 )

 I have just read from John 9, it tells us of a wonderful miracle by Jesus,on a man who was born blind from birth.Before Jesus healed him,His disciples asked a question,'who did sin,this man,or his parents?'.There was a common held belief that at that time that calamity and suffering was the result of sin, our dear Saviour ruled that out,and so should we.Religions like Hinduism and Buddhism hold that belief,  it is vey wrong to put that unto people who suffer.The greatest example of a person who did not suffer for any wrong he had done ,was Job. We will most definitely suffer for our own sin,if not now,then most certainly in eternity,that's why we need Jesus, suffering is part of life in this fallen  world it cannot be eliminated.Good people suffer and bad people suffer it is inescapable ,we cannot change that. This blind mans suffering had a purpose ,God's power would be manifest in him,by Jesus healing him.We often do not know  the purpose of our suffering, in the case of this man we do.God's power would be manifested,the more important thing would be,he came to know Christ. If you are suffering,you may not understand why you are suffering,hanging on the wall of the room I'm sitting in,is a framed picture,with a verse of a poem that my first wife who died of cancer  embroidered,I will leave it with you.

                                        'Not till the loom is silent,and the shuttles cease to fly,

                                        Shall God unroll the canvas,and explain the reason why,

                                        The dark threads are so needful,in the weavers skilful hand,

                                         As the threads of gold and silver, in pattern H has planned.'

                                                               'Words by B M.Franklin'


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