verse of the day

Monday 22 August 2022

Yes there is a better day coming. (2 Corinthians 11 v 30 ) ( 1 )

For millions of people life is hard ,yes that includes Christians, millions are starving,for many dear people, there appears no hope. Only God knows ,it may get worse, for all of us,we will have to wait and see,the question is how can we face the challenges of life?.In 2 Corinthians 4 the apostle Paul writes as regards the difficulties that he and  his companions were experiencing,here is what he wrote,' v7 He writes of his being like a clay pot,but the wonder of that is,Christ  dwells within that body.he may be the great apostle,accomplishing great things,but it has come from the power of God, not him..We like Paul, are weak,everyone one of us,make no mistake about it,we are all without exception ,weak beyond measure,we are all  like clay pots. So stop your boasting ,arise, give God the glory,let Him increase ,and let us decrease. Without Him we can do nothing, but through Him, we can do all things that God would have us do.We will continue this next time,exalt your weakness, don't be ashamed of your weakness ,and glorify the one who uses the weak things of this world,to accomplish great things, even through us clay jars.

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