verse of the day

Sunday 28 August 2022

Who, why. ( Romans 1 v 18 - 23 )

 Recently I  listened on utube to Charles Laughton reading a letter written by a man called Carl Milles, he wrote it in response to his views on religion.  It is a very interesting  letter, he wrote much about nature, beauty,creativity, these things raised questions, like ,'who,why' ?,who has created us,it must have been someone?,he wrote, people pray ,the hardest and worst of men pray,and he comes to the same question ,'there must be someone?' It is the apostle Paul who writes as regards the evidence of creation, and that mankind is left with no excuse for not knowing God, Romans 1 v 18 -20. It appears that's as far as Carl Milles got,no farther, he was aware of Christianity, but never embraced our Saviour. He never went any further,in Acts 17 v24 ff Paul declared that God  made the world and everything in it, and he goes on to say, that should give us the desire to seek after God and feel our way towards Him,he assured us that God is not remote,but near those who seek Him. Unfortunately Carl didn't go any further he could see there was a creator ,but he never expressed his need of a Saviour. Acknowledging A creator is fine, but it will not save us,we must trust Christ as our Saviour for the time of judgement is coming upon all .All who have not sought forgiveness and repented of their sins will be Judged.

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