verse of the day

Tuesday 5 April 2022

I can, I can't (Acts 12 v 1 - 19 )

I wonder what comes to mind with the following,'I can, I can;t',the apostle wrote that he could do all things through him who give him strength', ( Philippians 4 v 13) This fits in with what our Saviour told us, that apart from Him we can do nothing( John 15 v 5 ) These words stress the importance of reliance on Christ in all aspects of our lives. Samson had to learn that lesson,and it cost him dearly( Judges 16 ), as I look back I am amazed at the things God has helped me to do,completing a three course at Bible college ,learning to drive,to be able to stand up and preach,bringing up a family of five boys, even doing this blog.What about tomorrows challenges? you may be facing daunting tasks,let me remind you that the God who helped you in all your yesterdays,will help you in all your tomorrows.What about the I can't?, they are many,I can't change people,I can't save people,what is your I can't, at this time?,it's not about giving up, no,it's it is a fact that there are things we can't do,possible not meant to do,some situations that are beyond us,and so it could be best to simply walk away from. But let us remember the importance of prayer,it may be an obvious thing to say,but we all need to be reminded how vital prayer is, and not to underestimate its importance and power. When Peter  was in prison on the orders of Herod, in his cell he was bound by two chains,he had two solders standing guard over him, plus soldiers guarding the entrance of the cell. Coinciding with this the church was praying,that was all they could do,but praise God it was enough,for God heard their prayer ,and Peter walked out of that prison a free man.

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