I was listening to a a former atheist talking about becoming a Christian ,he was a qualified scientist ,he spoke of attending church thinking all he would hear about was sin and hell, instead he heard about love.I had not time to listen to anymore of what he was saying, I hoped that is not where he stopped,I hope he went unto realise, that like or not,that we have accept that sin and hell are realities,that we have to accept. We cannot water those things down,they are to serious to do that,I remember hearing about a Christian who was a passenger on the Titanic,he did die ,but before he did ,he swam around telling people about Jesus that they may be saved.Church history is full of people who endured so much ,in order tell people about Christ,who can save them. think of what Christ suffered in order for them to save them..People are grossly ignorant of spiritual things, I am not ignorant of spiritual things, I know what the Bible teaches,as regards unforgiven sin,dying without Christ is a very, very, serious business.
' Come to the Saviour make no delay'.