verse of the day

Sunday 18 April 2021

You failure. ( Philippians 3 v 12 - 14 )

 What have these three biblical characters have in common? ,King David, the apostle Peter ,and Mark the writer of Marks gospel, they all failed. Unlike Islam ,who take extreme displeasure at any body who dares to criticise there prophet. The Bible does not try to hide the failings of those recorded within its pages, all the disciples forsook Jesus when he was arrested. The Roman Catholic church failed so many young people, by not dealing with  the awful abuse that was going on, better they had. China a great nation fails  to admit there failures, and begin to change. I remember being told that the Chinese hate to loose face, hate  to admit they have failed. But lets be honest none of us like admitting we have failed, or that our children have failed. There is a sense of shame  when we fail, and even anger, even pain, whither it is in our marriage, jobs, driving tests, moral failures, financial failures ,sporting failures. Let me say this ,we all fail, do you know anyone who has never failed?, of course not, that appears obvious. Consider those three men, David failed morally, God forgive him ,he will forgive you, and restore you, if you repent, and ask His forgiveness .Peter did something he said he would never do, he denied his Lord, well the Lord  restored him, and recommissioned him.  Mark,  in the apostles Pauls eyes had failed, well he recovered from that, and even Paul had to admit later on ,that he was useful. Let  us learn from our failures, to walk humbly, and not to be so judgemental of others, who fail, and not to give up, deal with what needs dwelt then, and then by Gods move on.

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