verse of the day

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Who is offended? ( John 8 v 1 - 11 )

 Matthew  Parris writing in the Times  newspaper ,wrote on evangelicals who complained about certain things shown on TV ,he stressed  that usually there is advanced warnings so that they could switch off. I understand that point of view to some extent, and in the present moral climate, it is helpful. But ,yes there is always a but, where is God in all this ?,there are people who say what goes on between two consenting adults, is alright .People say that swearing and blasphemy is just another another way of speaking, or it does not matter how one thinks. The fact is ,it does matter, it matters to God, but then most people don't think much about God. But one day they will stand before God, what then?, a good says in God's word after death the judgement. Hebrews 9 v 27, God will not be protesting but judging .So should we as Christians say nothing ,of course we should, but a note of quotation, as regards taking the moral high ground. In Christs day there were those who took the high moral ground, they were called Pharisees, unfortunately many of them ,were self- righteous. Charles Bridges wrote the following, ''There is not a sin, that the highest saint of God may not commit, if trusting in  himself.'' The Pharisees did not  see it like that, so at all times they were out for the kill, not so the Christian. We must speak yes we must speak ,but it must always be in love ,pointing people to the only who  one can forgive, and who can save, even Jesus.

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