verse of the day

Monday 8 June 2020

Trust ( Joshua 1 v 9 )

One of the most precious things in any relationship is trust,a child automatically trusts its parents, but when a parent abuses that trust,it can affect a child for the rest of their lives. Many marriages end because trust has been broken by the wife or husband,some marriages survive ,but it is hard to win back that trust .When a promise is broken, things can fall apart, yes trust is important,in any relationship When it comes to our relationship with God ,trust is vital, I know I can trust God,he will never let me down. When difficulties arise the most important thing is to trust in the Lord,though your heart may be pounding,  and you can't sleep,we are called to trust him,to trust Him when the way is dark, when you don't know which way to go,or what to do,it is then that we are called to trust Him whatever we are facing.Here is the important thing we need to remind ourselves , that God can be trusted, nothing can  stop him,from keeping his word.Hear is a prayer  ,'Dear loving heavenly father ,my heart is weak, help me to trust you,my heart is full of fear,help me to trust you, as I look back,I thank you ,that you have never failed me,and I praise you, that you never will ,in Jesus name I ask this Amen.'

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