verse of the day

Friday 26 June 2020

Have you forgotten ?. ( Luke 17 v 26 - 28 )

I read of a monastic order , who were sharply aware of the fragility of life,and of their dependence on God  from whom they believed all sustenance and welfare came.   These two things never enters the mind of so called modern man. Most have never given a thought how fragile life is, and  that they are depending on God for anything. William Ernest Henly sums up modern mans attitude to life,'I am master of my fate,I am captain of my soul'.A certain poet called Robert Burns wrote, of the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray. The vast majority of people before the coronavirus had booked holidays ,planned to get married,planned for this and that,none of us , for one moment never thought that anything would interfere with our plans. Why should we think otherwise?,we are the master of our fate,captain of our souls,or so we thought,it may be ,that we still think this,fools that we are.In Proverb 27 v 1,we have a timely reminder as regards the uncertainly of life, it reads,'Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring'.Our Saviour told a story of a rich farmer, ( Luke 12 v 16 - 21 )  he was no different than most people , he had come into what in essence was a lot of money,so he was planning to live the good life,take it easy,eat ,drink,and be merry.Like so many people who go and live , wherever  skies are not cloudy all day.  God called this farmer  a fool and told him he was going to die that night,he forgot that life was fragile, and that no one can escape the inevitable ,God and eternity. . Here are very solemn words from Psalm 9 v 17,' The wicked shall be turned into hell,and all the nations that forget God'.Let me stress to whoever you are, the importance of seeking the Lord Jesus now,before it is to late,because life is fragile.

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