verse of the day

Monday 1 April 2019

God loves you. ( John 3 v 16 )

Most days I go for my daily walk,I use the the same route , and I often pass the same people  acknowledge a good morning,some I manage to talk to. Now I have a burden to witness to people of course we all should have that burden. I am concerned that I don't witness enough, But the other morning I saw a man I had spoken to a number of times,he had suffered a stroke which had an affect on him,but he was still an active man. I had never witnessed to him, but I had prayed for him. That      morning I saw him on the other side of the road,and I crossed over to talk to him. After inquiring how he was ,I felt led to say to him,'' God loves you''.it was a brief witness,I  also mentioned Christ, I felt what I had said touched him,and as I walked away from him, I offered a prayer for him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Selwyn Hughes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ''God really does love us. To put it in modern parlance, He is crazy                                                            about us.''

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