verse of the day

Thursday 29 November 2018

Just one sin ( Romans 3 v 23 )

In a local newspaper there is a list of people who were fined for breaking the speed limit,I do try not to break the speed limit, but there are times I fail. Even though I don't want to break the speed limit I do, would I be right in thinking  that all drivers have broken the speed limit?.When people get caught  speeding ,some will feel hard done by,because they where only driving one mile over the limit,the fact is, they  have broken the law,and the must suffer the consequences. The word of God tells us in James 2 v 10 ,'For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point   is guilty of breaking all of it'.Yes the breaking of Gods law in just one commandment, is a  sin and  has dire consequences for us.all, protesting your innocence does not change the fact that  in Gods eye you are a sinner,.and what does sinners need ? they need a Saviour,and Jesus is the only Saviour

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