verse of the day

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Gods. ( Exodus 20 v 1 - 6 )

Raymond Brown writes in his study guide book,'The Bible speaks today', which I would commend to you,'Late twentieth - century has been subtly infiltrated by worthless idolatry- materialism ( the god of ' what I can get' ),hedonism (the god of ' what I enjoy ), social approval ( the god of 'how I  am regarded'), vaulting ambition ( the god of ' what I  must achieve ' ) ,and there are many more'.It is sad that those who were regarded as Gods children, Israel,so often became involved in idolatry, and the wisest of Kings Solomon,acted so unwisely and influenced by his foreign wives,turned to worship other gods. Now as R B wrote gods are not always made of stone or wood,they  take many forms or no form, but make no mistake we worship  them, by our devotion to them.We may have made them gods,but the true God, made us and all things,the world is awash with so called gods,but there is only one God,  From early on Israel were taught to pray,'Hear O Israel; The Lord our God is one.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        God commands                                                                                                                       You shall have no other gods before Me.                                                                                                                  (  Exodus 20 v 3   )

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