verse of the day

Friday 5 December 2014

Use us.[ Proverbs 11 v30]

Often it seems we hear of very few people being saved,and then we hear of a church in my homeland,where they have witnessed over 2000 being saved.God is always in the business of saving souls,I have just read of a lady in Uzebek a radical Muslin  trusting the Saviour,as a result of the witness of a Christian who had died.Yes God is still in the business of saving precious souls. Some Church's have lost this reality,and have gone out of the business of seeing men and women's need of salvation. In Proverbs 11 v30, we read ,he that winneth souls is wise/, when Jesus called the disciples He said I will make you fishers of men [Matthew 4 v19].What a challenge  to be a fisher of men,women and children,I praise God for the memory of those who witnessed to me,and led me to the Lord. My first wife is in heaven because a dear lady, witnessed to her ,about Jesus.I have witnessed to many people and some have trusted the Lord.How that will rejoice my heart when I see then in heaven,those precious jewels.Yes people in there most vilest state are still precious to God,for we are told Christ died for the ungodly.As I start this day my prayer would be, oh Lord  make me a fisher of men,help us never to loose sight of mans greatest need ,Jesus.
                                        A  prayer.
Dear Lord help us to see the true value of a soul, use us to be fishers of men,in your name, and for Your glory we ask this Amen.

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