verse of the day

Thursday 4 December 2014

The ultimate rejection [Isaiah 53 ]

I am reading the book of Hosea ,with the help of a commentary, in it  the prophet is told to do something that would bring him pain,he was to marry a
prostitute. A marriage that would bring him much pain,yet his marriage would be part of his message,for his wife Gomer would be unfaithful,and would have children by other men.This strange relationship would mirror Israels relation with God,they are declared as whores in their unfaithful godless behaviour.For like Gomer they would as it were lust after other lovers,Assyria,Egypt,paying them for their favours,indulging in their idolatress religions,which involved cult prostitution,and child sacrifice,of worshipping many gods,instead of the one true God, Jehovah.The book of Hosea is a love story,as is seen in a marriage relationship, but it is a one sided love story. A story of God pleading continually,yet it seems to no avail,and so it would continue, when the ultimate rejection by Israel the nation of Gods love would take place ,when they would sacrifice Gods dear son Jesus.
                                     A prayer
Dear God have mercy upon Israel ,and this world,in wrath remember mercy,in Jesus name Amen .

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