verse of the day

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Jesus paid it all. [Acts 16 v 30-31]

I used to visit a lovely lady,who always wanted to make me something to eat,she was a Muslim,she not just a Muslim but a practising  Muslim, she would be having her prayer time sometimes when I called.She would pray the required number of times a day,and she even had a time table,that would inform her as to the precise moment to pray.All Moslem's are not violent suicide bombers,they take their religion seriously,a religion of do's and dont's.Circumcision,praying,eating,and other rules and regulations,now they are not alone in this.Jesus was faced with people who believed that their relationship with God depended on rules and regulations, Jesus was the only person who has ever lived kept the law perfectly,He never had to offer a sacrifice for His sin,or to confess to a priest any wrongs , He was the perfect human being,oh yes He was tempted,but He never yielded to temptation.When He was crucified He was dying for sin,not his own,for He had no sin,but for you and me who sin,and no matter how much we try,we will still sin,that's the reality.So God had a plan, as to how we could be forgiven,Jesus His son would bear our sins on His body on that cross[1 Peter 2 v24/Isaiah 53 v12].The old hymn puts it like this.
                           He took my sins and my sin and my sorrows,
                           He made them his very own,
                           He bore the burden to Calvary,
                           And suffered and died alone.[C.H.Gabriel]
                                      A  prayer
Dear God  we praise You that Your son Jesus paid the price for our salvation  ,and that by believing in Him we will be saved Amen 

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