verse of the day

Monday 27 June 2011

Toast .[ 1Corinthians 10 v 31 ]

I like toast, I liked it even more when I could have marmalade jam on it, not so now as I am diabetic, when it comes to toast I am continually trying to produce the perfect toasted bread. So often it appears only slighted toasted,or it comes out as a burnt offering, but I will keep trying. Most of our lives are made up of little things like toast, a cup of tea or coffee, a daily newspaper, shaving ,washing,cooking meals, going to the shops, hanging out the washing,and so on.These things may not appear important but they are, they add a normality to our lives, today let us give thanks for these things, and let us add a sacredness to them, to see that they are important. We read in 1 Corinthians 10v 31 ,that we are do all things ,to the glory of God, may this be the rule of our lives. [Dear God help us to embrace all of life as sacred, to do all things for your glory, in Jesus name . Amen ]

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