verse of the day

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Send me. [Isaiah 6 v 1-8 ]

I love the old hymns , but I also like many new hymns ,like the one I heard recently, /I, the Lord of sea and sky/. by Daniel L Schutte. This hymn has God declaring the great need of His people, it seems the writer is stressing ,those who are Gods people ,and those who would become His people. [I think ] Each verse ends with the words,/Whom shall I send/,which reminds us of the call of Isaiah [chapter 6 ], there the prophet has a tremendous vision of God, who is holy. God is holy and awesome,but He is has a deep love for this world,and He uses people, to tell the world of His love, He uses people to proclaim His word to His people. So we have God asking a question, whom shall I send,and who will go for us [6v8], God is still asking that question, and He is waiting for an answer. The prophet did answer with the words, Here am I ,send me, and God accepted that response, and said go. We are all called to serve, to obey,are we obeying that call?, let us finish with the chorus of the hymn, we have mentioned, it can be our prayer as we face another day with all its challenges. [ Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord?. I have heard You calling in the night. I will go Lord, if You lead me. I will hold your people in my heart, Amen ]

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