verse of the day

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Saved. [ Acts 16v31 ]

I have just heard that my daughter-in- laws sister, has trusted the Saviour, and been baptised,it all happened so suddenly, or so it appears. But the fact of the matter is ,my son and his wife have been praying, talking and witnessing to her for a number of years. They have sown now they are reaping,let us remember our labours are never in vain in the Lord, as we sow into peoples lives so there will be a reaping. Let us be faithful, prayerful,and watchful,today,God is still in the business of saving people, it can happen, God can surprise us, think of the apostle Paul, who would have thought he would have become a Christian, but by Gods Grace he did.[ Dear God we thank you for saving my daugther-in -laws sister, we ask that we may see You saving many more people, in Jesus name Amen]

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