verse of the day

Saturday, 28 December 2024

What think ye of Christ? ( John 20 v24 -28)

D L.Moody asked this question in a sermon He preached,'I want to ask you not  what you think of this or that church,nor what you think of this creed ,nor what you think of this denomination or that denonomination.The question is not what you think of this belief or that belief,but,''What think ye of Christ?''. So much depends on how you answer that question,if you get it wrong that's very serious. John Newton wrote the following in one of his hymns,

                                                       'What think ye of Christ? is the test

                                                        To try both your state and your scheme;

                                                        Ye cannot be right in the rest

                                                        Unless you think rightly of Him,'

Jesus asked His disciples.....'Who do men people say I am? they replied,''Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others,one of the prophets.'  But what about you?' he asked.'Who do you say I am?' Peter answered ,' You are the Messiah''(Mark 8 v 27 -29 ) Who do you thing Christ is,a good man ? yes He was that,a prophet,yes he was that,a teacher, yes he was,Many believe that's all He was, they relegate Him to be just like one of us,they do not see him as God which He was,or as Saviour which He was,or as one who died so our sins would be forgiven,they take exception to the fact when He said,' I am the Way,the Truth,and the Life,and that no can come unto the Father but by Him( John 14 v6 ). So who do you say Christ is?




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