verse of the day

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Free indeed. ( Ephesians 2 v 1-10)

 Christmas is hastening on,in many ways it is a lovely time,when we as Christians rejoice at the birth of our Saviour.When the great event happened all those years ago,angels appeared ,wise men and shepherds came.We have lovely Christmas cards with the nativity scenes on them ,it is all very idyllic,but very soon dark clouds would appear over the birth of this child,that caused his parents to leave Bethlehem to escape the murderous  intentions of the paranoid king Herod. Herod give an order that all the children in Bethlehem under 2yrs should be murdered.If Herod had succeeded in killing the Christ  child think of the awful consequences for mankind,to say the least it would have been absolutely awful for all mankind.We must look beyond the Herod's of this world to someone beyond our natural sight,but his works and evil are manifest everyday,he is god of this world,and has many followers and disciples. There are two kingdoms in this world ,the kingdom of the devil and the kingdom of God.John writing of the kingdom on darkness and its power declares,'That the whole world is under the control of the evil one( 1 John 5 v19) David Jackson writes that,'This world is dominated by the devil, who controls it with tyrannical authority,organizing and orghestrating its life and activities to express his own rebellion and hatred against God'. Read the newspapers, listen to the news,read history,that should convince you.But into this world  was born a child called Jesus , which means Saviour,and it John who tells us that,'The reason the Son of God  appeared was to destroy the devil's works'(1 John 3 v 8)No wonder he tried to murder our Saviour, but praise God he never succeeded,and so the gospel goes forth,and men and women who accept Christ are set free from the power of the evil one and brought into the kingdom of God.

                                                         'So if the Son sets you free,

                                                          you will be free indeed.'

                                                                    John 8 v36


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