verse of the day

Friday, 27 December 2024

Just imagine. ( Hebrews 13 v 3)

  As a Christian I have never  experienced persecution for my faith,but in many countries they do, most of them are law abiding people.Imagine going to bed and you fall asleep,then you are awakened by someone banging on your door.So you  get up and go to your front door opening it,and you are faced with the police,they rough handle you and then they take you and push you into a vehicle,and take you to their headquarters.When you arrive there you are interrogated for the rest of the night,they  might use violence, but  whatever,it will be unremitting, When morning comes they  bring you before a judge, and you will be  charged by whatever they can drum up out of their own inventions, and then sentence is passed you have been found guilty,and so you are going to prison for 10yrs.  This is going on continually in so many countries,by  religious authorites ,or political authorites, they do it out of fear, fear of being overthrown. Oh yes it can happen,we have witnessed,many cruel leader being overthrown.Although we do not encourage rebellion, we do need to pray for those who are suffering,or we can write to  them and encourage them.Prayer will make a difference, so keep praying for our dear brothers and sisters,that God will strengthen them, and that they may be released, if  that does not happen pray that God may help them to  be faithful even unto death (Revelation 2 v10)

                                         'Blest be the tie that binds our heats in Christian love;

                                         The  fellowship of kindred minds is like that above.

                                         We share our mutual woes,our burdens bear,

                                         And often for each other flows the sympathising tear'

                                                              John Fawcett.

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