It is said that there are three types of hope in the NT, 'No hope','False Hope',and 'True Hope'. In Ephesians 1 v12 the apostle reminds the Gentile Christians of their former state ,that they were ,'without hope and without God',this applies to all who have not trusted Christ as their Saviour,it's as serious as that. Next you have ,'false hope',in Matthew 7 v 21-27 we read of those who will say on judgement day ,''Lord,Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out deamons and in your name perform many miracles?Then Jesus said I will tell them plainly,''I never knew you. Away from me,you evil - doers!'' Next we consider 'true hope', every true believer in Christ has true is described as an 'anchor,firm and secure' (Hebrews 6 v19)John Bunyan was arrested for refusing to abstain from preaching ,he was filled with thoughts of uncertainty,he said this''Everyone doth think his own religion rightest, both Jews Moors and Pagans; and how if all our faith and Christ and Scriptures should be but a 'Think so'too?'' But when the light broke he ran out, ''Now I know! I know'', the Christian hope is different from wishful thinking,it is based on the word of God,and the Christ of the word of God.
'Min e!Mine!Mine! I know Thou art mine;
Saviour,dear Saviour,I know Thou art mine'
Anna Hudson
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