verse of the day

Monday, 16 December 2024

Let us pray. ( Luke 18 v 1 )

 In 1 Thessalonians 5v17 we read,''Pray without ceasing'',I read an article on the internet,I thought it was very helpful.''Pray without ceasing'','in these words we are being encouraged as believers to maintain a constant connection with God throughout their day. It doesn't mean praying constantly in a literal sense, but rather to be in a prayerful state,and to frequently speak to God''John Piper says''Pray without ceasing means, to stay steadfast, and never give up praying''.Next we read of some ways to help us in our prayer life.

                                                      'Be aware of God's presence.

                                                      Seek God's guidance.

                                                      Express gratitude.

                                                      Offer petitions,praise and

                                                      thoughts to God.

                                                      Pray in the morning.

                                                      Center prayer around meals.

                                                      Focus on Joyful prayer.

                                                      Pray after making a mistake 

                                                      or error.

                                                      Pray at the end of the day.

                                                      Learn to listen to God'.

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