It truly was the worst of times for Israel,their world had crashed down upon them, sad to say it was self afflicted. Consider the following words spoken by the prophet Jeremiah from the Lord 2 v 5,'They followed worthless idols,the 'leaders rebelled against me',// ' the prophets prophesied by Baal,following worthless idols'.( v8) .Then a question arises,'Has a nation ever changed its gods?(Yet they are not gods at all)' But my people have exchanged their glorious God for worthless idols.'(v11)There is so much more one could say of the state of the people of Judah spiritually.Jeremiah would prophesy for 40yrs or more,but things didn't get any better,rather it got worse.God tells them how he continually exhorted them to turn from their evil ways,but they refused (Jer 35 v15)When God offers mercy and you reject it,then mercy will be withdrawn,and so it came about,the result was that an awful judgement came in the shape of the Babylonian war machine,and they decimated the country slaying most of the inhabitants , a small number who survived were taken into captivity in the land of Babylon.It was truly the worst of times,but it would not be permanent .God is merciful in Psalm103 v9,we read that God does not retain His anger forever,their captivity would last for 70yrs (Daniel 9 v 24/ Jeremiah 25 v 11 -12) and so it came to pass (2 Chronicles36 v22-23) Inspite of all their wickedness and evil ways ,God showed mercy and grace to Israel,and returned to their land.As it was for the Jews so it can it be for any nation and any individual,if they but turn from their sinful ways,and seek the Lord Jesus ,mercy will be shown to them,for God is full of mercy
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