It truly was the worst of times for Israel,their world had crashed down upon them, sad to say it was self afflicted. Consider the following words spoken by the prophet Jeremiah from the Lord 2 v 5,'They followed worthless idols,the 'leaders rebelled against me',// ' the prophets prophesied by Baal,following worthless idols'.( v8) .Then a question arises,'Has a nation ever changed its gods?(Yet they are not gods at all)' But my people have exchanged their glorious God for worthless idols.'(v11)There is so much more one could say of the state of the people of Judah spiritually.Jeremiah would prophesy for 40yrs or more,but things didn't get any better,rather it got worse.God tells them how he continually exhorted them to turn from their evil ways,but they refused (Jer 35 v15)When God offers mercy and you reject it,then mercy will be withdrawn,and so it came about,the result was that an awful judgement came in the shape of the Babylonian war machine,and they decimated the country slaying most of the inhabitants , a small number who survived were taken into captivity in the land of Babylon.It was truly the worst of times,but it would not be permanent .God is merciful in Psalm103 v9,we read that God does not retain His anger forever,their captivity would last for 70yrs (Daniel 9 v 24/ Jeremiah 25 v 11 -12) and so it came to pass (2 Chronicles36 v22-23) Inspite of all their wickedness and evil ways ,God showed mercy and grace to Israel,and returned to their land.As it was for the Jews so it can it be for any nation and any individual,if they but turn from their sinful ways,and seek the Lord Jesus ,mercy will be shown to them,for God is full of mercy
verse of the day
Tuesday, 31 December 2024
Monday, 30 December 2024
The least we can do. ( John 21 v15)
Some people are driven,George Mallory climbed mountians , but one mountain above all else was his obsession,'Everest',no one had done it before ,he and another friend on the 9th of June 1924 set out to conquer it,but they both died ,failing in their attempt.George Mallory was once asked ,why did he climb mountains,his reply was .''because they are there''.Is that worth loosing one's life ? Many Christians throughout history have suffered greatly,often laying down their lives,why?and the answer is very simple ,because of love, not just love but the love of Jesus. In 1John 4 v19 we read .'We love Him because He first loved us'When our Saviour spoke to Peter the one who denied Him ,he said to Peter three times,'Do you love me ?',in the end he showed that he did, when he died a matyers death. Polycarp was Bishop of Smyrua (120AD) .He like many Christians refused to accept Caesar as a god,The authorites said if he would acknowledge Casear was Lord ,he would be spared ,but he refused,saying,'For 86 years I have served Him,and He has done me no wrong.How can I blaspheme my King and my Saviour'. 1 John 4v19 reminds us that that before we came to Christ we were ungodly and enemies of God. In that state He showed love to us by giving Christ to die for us.(Romans 5 v 6-8)We often sing ,'love so amazing so divine demands my soul,my life my all'.Peter,Paul ,Polycarp,and mulitude of others led down their lives for love of their Saviour,it is the least we can do.
'And can it be that I should gain
An interest in the Saviour's blood?
Died He for me,who caused His pain?
For me , who Him to death pursude?
Amazing love! how can it be
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?'
Charles Wesley
Sunday, 29 December 2024
Are you sleeping?( Matthew 25 v 1- 13)
In Washington Irving's Rip Van Wnkle, he slept for 20 yrs,the story goes that he escaped to the mountains to get away from his wife,who wanted him to do work on their farm. In Romans 13 v 11 ,Paul gives a wake up call to the Christians and so he declares the possible of the coming of Christ at any moment.he is not saying that Jesus is coming at that time, for no one knows when He is coming (Mark 13 v 32).The main thing is to be ready,our Saviour said about His coming,' Do not let Him find you sleeping when He arrives without warning,I say to you ,what I say I say to everyone; Watch for Him'. (Mark 13 v36)Yes He is coming 'soon' 'We must be watchful and alert, because we do not know the time.' It is as John Stott says,' as regards the coming of Christ,that there is a tension between the' now already' of Christ's first coming and 'not yet ' of His second.' Our Saviour said,' The night cometh ,when no one can work',(John 9 v4) Until that day comes we must be up and doing ,somone said,'The Christian life is not a sleep, but a battle.'
'Waiting for our Lord 's returning,
Be it ours His word to keep;
May our lamps be always burning;
May we watch while others sleep.
We are children of the light.'
Thomas Kelly.
Saturday, 28 December 2024
What think ye of Christ? ( John 20 v24 -28)
D L.Moody asked this question in a sermon He preached,'I want to ask you not what you think of this or that church,nor what you think of this creed ,nor what you think of this denomination or that denonomination.The question is not what you think of this belief or that belief,but,''What think ye of Christ?''. So much depends on how you answer that question,if you get it wrong that's very serious. John Newton wrote the following in one of his hymns,
'What think ye of Christ? is the test
To try both your state and your scheme;
Ye cannot be right in the rest
Unless you think rightly of Him,'
Jesus asked His disciples.....'Who do men people say I am? they replied,''Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others,one of the prophets.' But what about you?' he asked.'Who do you say I am?' Peter answered ,' You are the Messiah''(Mark 8 v 27 -29 ) Who do you thing Christ is,a good man ? yes He was that,a prophet,yes he was that,a teacher, yes he was,Many believe that's all He was, they relegate Him to be just like one of us,they do not see him as God which He was,or as Saviour which He was,or as one who died so our sins would be forgiven,they take exception to the fact when He said,' I am the Way,the Truth,and the Life,and that no can come unto the Father but by Him( John 14 v6 ). So who do you say Christ is?
Friday, 27 December 2024
Just imagine. ( Hebrews 13 v 3)
As a Christian I have never experienced persecution for my faith,but in many countries they do, most of them are law abiding people.Imagine going to bed and you fall asleep,then you are awakened by someone banging on your door.So you get up and go to your front door opening it,and you are faced with the police,they rough handle you and then they take you and push you into a vehicle,and take you to their headquarters.When you arrive there you are interrogated for the rest of the night,they might use violence, but whatever,it will be unremitting, When morning comes they bring you before a judge, and you will be charged by whatever they can drum up out of their own inventions, and then sentence is passed you have been found guilty,and so you are going to prison for 10yrs. This is going on continually in so many countries,by religious authorites ,or political authorites, they do it out of fear, fear of being overthrown. Oh yes it can happen,we have witnessed,many cruel leader being overthrown.Although we do not encourage rebellion, we do need to pray for those who are suffering,or we can write to them and encourage them.Prayer will make a difference, so keep praying for our dear brothers and sisters,that God will strengthen them, and that they may be released, if that does not happen pray that God may help them to be faithful even unto death (Revelation 2 v10)
'Blest be the tie that binds our heats in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds is like that above.
We share our mutual woes,our burdens bear,
And often for each other flows the sympathising tear'
John Fawcett.
Thursday, 26 December 2024
God the Son. ( John 5 v 16-18)
Wednesday, 25 December 2024
What we owe to God ( John 3 v16)
So it has come,Christmas day,and we rejoice in all it means,love manifest to humanity,a love that's beyond our comprehension. This world has so much pain in it, so much suffering,and into this world a child is born,a child called Jesus,it is God showing us that He loves this fallen sinful world,a world that is broken and full of so much pain. The hymn writer wrote,'There is no place where earth's sorrows are more felt,than up in heaven',and God's answer is love, a love of that's beyond words in it's fullness. Again as the poet wrote,'The love of God is greater far,than tongue or pen can ever tell.It goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell'. It is a love offered to all,to the best of men and the worst of men,a love that will show mercy to those who come in all their need,and if they do,mercy they will receive .That mercy involves the forgiveness of our sins,let us never underestimate the awfulness of our sinful condition,and its consequences.That babe in the manger came for a purpose,and it would involve so much pain,beyond words.That little babe would have the shadow of the cross hanging over Him all his life,he marched to it despising it's shame ,and terrible pain ,and paid the price for our salvation.
'Tis not all we owe to Jesus
It is something more than all;
Greater good because of evil,
Larger mercy through the fall.
F W. Faber
Tuesday, 24 December 2024
Jesus, God's gift. ( Romans 6 v 23)
A friend of mine was attending a carol service in London,and there was a very young boy in front of her,and she asked him,what is Santa going to bring you?.The little boy spoke to his mother and then said to my friend,'It is not about Santa ,it is all about Jesus'. If only more people would realise that,how better and more meaningful Christmas would be,and indeed life would be if Christ became the center of their lives. One of my sons held a carol service in a pub,he did it last year and the owner of the pub, invited him to do it again,and so he did,and he told me the place was full to overflowing. A great deal of those people were not Christians and so he was able to tell them ,what that young child said to my friend,that Christmas is all about Jesus. Yes He is the reason for the season, and taking it further,without Him there is no reason, no meaning to life itself,when Christ finds you and you find Him,all things our changed for the better. When you find Him your sins are forgiven, and you loose the burden of guillt,you also loose the power of sin over your life,for when the Son sets free you are free indeed.You also receive hope,so many have no hope,but with Jesus you have hope to face the here and now,and the hereafter.We live in a world with so much conflict in it,so much to make us afraid,here is what Jesus said ,'Peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth'( John 14 v27)
' Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift'
2 Corinthians 9 v 15
Monday, 23 December 2024
So send I you. ( Acts 1 v 8)
There they were doing what shepherds do, looking after sheep,most commentators tell us that they were a despised class,it was just like any other night, but that would soon change,for it would turn into a night that they would never forget.It reminds us that God can break into lives,when one least expects it,sixty years God broke into my life when I least expected it.A great example of that is the apostle Paul who was filled with hatred towards those followers of this false messiah. In Acts 9 we read of Paul travelling to Damascus to root out any who belonged to the way,( A term used for early Christians) and take them back as prisoners to Jerusalem ,yes he had his plans,but the Lord had other plans for him. In a moment everything changed,he changed,because he met with that so called false Messiah Jesus.When a person meets Jesus and embraces Him as their Saviour, let me repeat it again,they will be changed, be they despised shepherds,or religous fanatics like Paul,or a thief hanging on a cross.God is sovereign he can use any means to bring people to Himself,but most of all He uses the likes of you and me ,yes, you and me, to witness to them ,so that's the challenge,that we must all take up,we are meant to be the finger of God pointing sinners to a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.
Sunday, 22 December 2024
Darkness and Light .( John 3 v 35-36)
December is a very dull month,not a lot of sunshine,but as it is December it is time when many homes have string of lights displayed outside their homes,I think they are great, also in most homes there are Christmas trees with lights on them. All these light displays help to chase away the gloom of this gloomy months. But of course this is the month in which we celebate the birth of Jesus, why did He have to come?,well our Saviour gives us the answer,'people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil .Everyone who does evil hates the light , and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. (John 3 v19-20) They displayed that evil in all its fulness when they took Him who is the light of the world and nailed Him to a cross,hoping to extinguish the light,so they could remain in their darkness,but they didn't succeed.We thank God for that, for it obvious that humanity needs Him who is light of the world more than ever.There are so many false religions,and false prophets who are giving birth to 'Satan's spawn'', committing the most awful evil.We may not commit awful evil,but we are still sinners,failing to embrace Him who is the light of the world our Saviour , who said the following,
' I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will
never walk in darkness,but
will have the light of life'
John 8 v 12
Saturday, 21 December 2024
Be prepared. ( Matthew 24 v36-51)
A Christian minister has published a booklet called,'How to Prepare for Christ's return', I have not read the booklet,I wonder what your advice would be as regards being ready for Christ's return?.There are two things I would say in answer to being prepared for Christ's return,the first one is,you need to trust Him as your Saviour,because it will usher in for the unsaved judgement , 2 Thessalonians 1 v 8.-9 we read,'He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His might'. That does not mean they will not exsist ,no, the soul will exsist eternally,some describe it as eternal ruin,another calls it eternal exile.( CP Luke 16 v 19-31).If you are not a Christian take it serious ,please ,I urge you trust Jesus as your Saviour,before it is to late.Next we look at the position of Christians,how do we prepare for Christ's return?.live in the light of His coming,some foolish people make rash statements as to when Christ is coming again,in spite of not taking it to heart that no one whoever they are, knows when Christ is coming back again, Matthew 24 v36 reads,'But about that day or hour no one knows,not even the angels in heaven,nor the Son,but only the Father'. Spurgeon writes,' Even Christ, in his human nature,so voluntarily limited His own capacities that He knew not the time of His second advent'.Yes He is coming again ,what is important is that we live in the light of that,live each day each moment in the light of our dear Saviours coming. Peter writes ,'You ought to live holy and godly lives'.
'At His call the dead awaken,rise to life from earth and sea
All the powers of nature,shaken,by His looks prepare to flee;
Careless sinner, what then become of thee?
But to those who have confessed,loved and served the Lord below,
Hw will say ;come near,ye blessed,see the kingdom I bestow;
You forever shall MyLove and glory know' (Words John Newton)
Friday, 20 December 2024
True Hope.( 2 Timothy 1 v 12)
It is said that there are three types of hope in the NT, 'No hope','False Hope',and 'True Hope'. In Ephesians 1 v12 the apostle reminds the Gentile Christians of their former state ,that they were ,'without hope and without God',this applies to all who have not trusted Christ as their Saviour,it's as serious as that. Next you have ,'false hope',in Matthew 7 v 21-27 we read of those who will say on judgement day ,''Lord,Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out deamons and in your name perform many miracles?Then Jesus said I will tell them plainly,''I never knew you. Away from me,you evil - doers!'' Next we consider 'true hope', every true believer in Christ has true is described as an 'anchor,firm and secure' (Hebrews 6 v19)John Bunyan was arrested for refusing to abstain from preaching ,he was filled with thoughts of uncertainty,he said this''Everyone doth think his own religion rightest, both Jews Moors and Pagans; and how if all our faith and Christ and Scriptures should be but a 'Think so'too?'' But when the light broke he ran out, ''Now I know! I know'', the Christian hope is different from wishful thinking,it is based on the word of God,and the Christ of the word of God.
'Min e!Mine!Mine! I know Thou art mine;
Saviour,dear Saviour,I know Thou art mine'
Anna Hudson
Thursday, 19 December 2024
He always keeps His word.( Psalm 121)
It is sad thing to say that people don't always keep their word,there are many examples of that,likewise goverments break promises they made before they were elected.But when it comes to God He always keeps His word ,God cannot lie,it is in fact impossible Hebrews 6 v18,'God is not human,that He should lie, not a human being, that He should change his mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfil?.' Numbers 23 v 19.When He says He will help us ,He will do just that,what He promises He will do it.The hymn writer wrote,
' Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living word of God I shall prevail ,
Standing on the promises of God'
Words R. Kelso Carter
We live in a very insecure world,so many people feel under a threat,everyday many people are afraid of loosing all their money by the scammers,wars and rumours of war abound. Are you over whelmed by life,failed marriage,loss of employment,loss of health,in the end you just feel lost. I went to bed last night I woke early,could not get back to sleep,worrying about a certain thing.This morning I read from one of my daily readings,'Be anxious for nothing,but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving,let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God ,which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus'. ( Philippians 4 v 6-7 )
'Don't be afraid,for I am with you.
Don't be discouraged,for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious
right hand. ( Isaiah 41 v10)
Wednesday, 18 December 2024
Perfect timing,planning ,and purpose. ( Isaiah 46 v 9 - 11)
Tuesday, 17 December 2024
Free indeed. ( Ephesians 2 v 1-10)
Christmas is hastening on,in many ways it is a lovely time,when we as Christians rejoice at the birth of our Saviour.When the great event happened all those years ago,angels appeared ,wise men and shepherds came.We have lovely Christmas cards with the nativity scenes on them ,it is all very idyllic,but very soon dark clouds would appear over the birth of this child,that caused his parents to leave Bethlehem to escape the murderous intentions of the paranoid king Herod. Herod give an order that all the children in Bethlehem under 2yrs should be murdered.If Herod had succeeded in killing the Christ child think of the awful consequences for mankind,to say the least it would have been absolutely awful for all mankind.We must look beyond the Herod's of this world to someone beyond our natural sight,but his works and evil are manifest everyday,he is god of this world,and has many followers and disciples. There are two kingdoms in this world ,the kingdom of the devil and the kingdom of God.John writing of the kingdom on darkness and its power declares,'That the whole world is under the control of the evil one( 1 John 5 v19) David Jackson writes that,'This world is dominated by the devil, who controls it with tyrannical authority,organizing and orghestrating its life and activities to express his own rebellion and hatred against God'. Read the newspapers, listen to the news,read history,that should convince you.But into this world was born a child called Jesus , which means Saviour,and it John who tells us that,'The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's works'(1 John 3 v 8)No wonder he tried to murder our Saviour, but praise God he never succeeded,and so the gospel goes forth,and men and women who accept Christ are set free from the power of the evil one and brought into the kingdom of God.
'So if the Son sets you free,
you will be free indeed.'
John 8 v36
Monday, 16 December 2024
Let us pray. ( Luke 18 v 1 )
In 1 Thessalonians 5v17 we read,''Pray without ceasing'',I read an article on the internet,I thought it was very helpful.''Pray without ceasing'','in these words we are being encouraged as believers to maintain a constant connection with God throughout their day. It doesn't mean praying constantly in a literal sense, but rather to be in a prayerful state,and to frequently speak to God''John Piper says''Pray without ceasing means, to stay steadfast, and never give up praying''.Next we read of some ways to help us in our prayer life.
'Be aware of God's presence.
Seek God's guidance.
Express gratitude.
Offer petitions,praise and
thoughts to God.
Pray in the morning.
Center prayer around meals.
Focus on Joyful prayer.
Pray after making a mistake
or error.
Pray at the end of the day.
Learn to listen to God'.
Sunday, 15 December 2024
What is your mindset? ( 1 Kings 18v21 )
In Romans 8 v 12-14, we are being instructed,' that we are under no obligation to do what our sinful nature urges us to do'.Our sinful nature will always be with us to the end of our days,you can bet on it. Unlike the unsaved we are indwelt by God's Holy Spirit so that gives us a great advantage,but we still have to resist evil urges,there is no let up ,in overcoming evil.King David unfortionately did not resist his sinful urges,and we know the consequencs, but he recognised what he had done and repented.(Psalm 51). John Stott writes of people having a ,'mindset, the' unsaved In both cases their nature determines their mindset, the unsaved, and their mind will be set on so many things ,and God won't be part of their lives,they do not to live to glorify God,Often it is to glorify themselves , their mindset is solely taken up with the things of this world,and God is shut out' This has irrespective of earth;y successs, dire consequnces,as one man comments,it is spiritual suicide. Now the Spiritual controlled life has a mindset on things above, of pleasing God,resisting ,not swept along with the goals of this life,they say that there are four main Goals of life,happiness,meaning,success ,and integrity', 'Happiness 'is a very elusive thing..'Meaning', without God there is no meaning, 'Success' ,it was Alexander the Great,who wept that there were no more worlds to conquor,cp Ecclesiastes 1v 12-18.'Integrity'' yes we need people of integrity,but it will not save anyone,standing on our integrity can be a source of pride,that can blind us to our greatest need,Christ.
Someone wrote the following' It still remains true that the Spirit-controlled,
Christ-possessed man is on the way to life; death is but an inevitable interlude
that has to be passed through on the way'.
Saturday, 14 December 2024
Who is this Jesus ?( Isaiah 9 v 6)
John 1 v1 reads,'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,and the Word was God'. Who is this Word John was writing about?.We have to turn to John 20 v 31,there John tells why he wrote his gospel,''that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God,and that by believing you may have life in his name'. The term Son of God is equivalent to saying He was God CP John 5 v 18,and in this chapter we have a clear declaration by Thomas who confessed that Christ was His Lord and His God v28. There are seven wonderful 'I Am's',in John's gospel ,spoken by Jesus which points us back to what God said to Moses Exodus 3 v 13-14.So now let us turn to John 1 v1.there we read the term the ,'Word' this is referring to Jesus v 14 where we read ,'that the Word was made flesh and made His dwelling among us'. Verse 1 begins,In the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with God'Hendriksen writes,'This is snother way of saying that Jesus existed from all eternity' , 'Luke's gospel starts at the nativity,but John's starts with eternity,' ( Bruce Milne),in John 17 our Saviour is praying to God His Father He says,'And now Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began'. Next we read,'and the Word was God'.nothing can be more clear than that, as regards to our Saviours divinity, but John does not stop there he goes unto to say.'He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made'v 2-3.
'The great Creator became our Saviour'
Friday, 13 December 2024
He paid the price. ( 1 Peter 1 v18 -19)
There is a saying ,'Nothing 's free in life' everything comes at a cost, there is an exception if you are a Christian, the gift of God is eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ(Romans 3 v23). We have the word gift mentioned, one does not pay for a gift,if you had to pay, it would no longer be a gift.But there are conditions we must repent of our sins,if we are to be forgiven, and if we are sincere we will be forgiven through Jesus who died on the cross to save us.On God's side His Son Jesus had to pay the price for our salvation. Think what it cost Christ to come into this sinful world, what he had to gave up,the Bible tells us that He was rich ,yet for our sakes He became poor',(2 Corinthians 8 v 9),none of us would like being poor,but Christ choose to be poor.Now we are not talking about earthly riches,but rather all the fullness of His exsistence in heaven.His coming to planet earth, meant that he choose to humble Himself,not only by taking upon Himself the form of a servant, but by dying on a cross.Yes our salvation is free,but it cost Jesus everything,when on that cross the wrath of God was poured out upon Him.Although He was the sinless one ,His suffering was on our behalf and .that we do not have to suffer God's wrath,when we trust Jesus as our Saviour. Just think if you are a Christian,you will never have to suffer for your sins,heaven not hell is your destiny.
'When I think of all He's done
and for me the guilty one,can
you wonder why it is I love
Him so'
Thursday, 12 December 2024
Not make believe. ( John 20 v24- 29)
Yes Christmas is coming,and the shops are full of so many thjings that have nothing to do with Christmas,but we will come to that later.One of my sons and his wife were visiting us, and I said to my daughter -in -law,ask me do I believe in Santa Claus,well she asked me,and I replied ,'I'm an agnostic'. well just a bit of fun.Who was Saint Nicholas?,it is thought that's were we get the idea of Santa from,it is thought that he is buried in Ireland, but others say he was buried in Italy(But he had an Irish passport in his pocket,again just a bit of fun).Lets stop all this Tomfoolery for its all make believe. One my young grandsons had a revelation ,he told his parents that there was no such a person as Santa Claus,I realise that there are no faries at the end of my garden.In the midst of all the Christmas cheer unfortionately the true meaning of Christmas gets lost,and every year people will come to our carol service, and we hope that they will find the true meaning of Christmas,we keep praying that this will happen,don't give up, keep praying, that it will happen.Christmas will soon be over, but let us continue to make the gospel known,telling people the the true meaning of Christmas,and the reason for it ,which is,that he shall save His people from their sins ( Matthew 1 v21)The moment He came into this world his sole aim would be to die on the cross,for our sins.His coming was not an after thought,no God had a plan,for we read in Revelation13 v 8 that He was 'the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world', God in His sovereign purposes would provide a sure and certain means to save sinners,and so it came to pass.
'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
and you shall be saved.'
Acts 16 v31
Wednesday, 11 December 2024
Locked out.( Matthew 25 v 41)
There we were just about to set off ,to see our family,it was very wet ,and windy, I went to lock the door,and I couldn't, because I had left the key in the other side of the lock,it meant we could not get back into our home. I must confess I was very upset, but we managed to get someone to come and solve the problem.He had to drill through the old lock,and replace it with a new one,so the problem was solved. It's not nice to be locked out of one's home,but there is a more serious aspect to this event. It reminds me of the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25 told by our Saviour, it is about a wedding,it was something different from modern weddings ,a lot of things went on before they were considered married,the bride would be waiting for the bridegroom, not sure when he would come.The 10 virgins mentioned in the story had be waiting likewise for the wedding group to show them the way into the marriage celebrations. Five of the virgins had no oil for their lamps and so it meant they had to go and buy some,but by the time they got back,they were not permitted into the marriage celebrations,they were locked out, unlike the other 5 virgins who were in and enjoying the wedding celebations. The story was aimed at the Jews who should have been prepared for our Lords coming but were not,so they were locked out.Yes the foolish virgins left it to late,it is a reminder to all of us to be prepared to meet our God, before it is to late.When Mary of Orange was dying her chaplain sought to tell her the way of salvation.Her answer was;'I have not left this matter to this hour'.
' I tell you,now is the time of God's favoir,
now is the day of sakvation'
2 Corinthians 6 v2.
Tuesday, 10 December 2024
Don't ignor Him. ( John 1 v 12)
When one thinks of how God has spared this world up to now,we may wonder why,when one considers humanities track record.The awful wars that continually go on and on and on.We could point out mankinds fallenness,showing a disregard for God's ,morality,or for God's ways.When the promised Messiah came,we are told that they did not receive Him (John 1 v 11),they of all people should have recognised Him but they didn't.But they are not one their own, for we read,' He was in the world, and though the world was made through him,the world did not recognise Him'.(John 1 v10 ) The effect of humanites fallen nature is very severe,and dark, even to this day His own people still won't receieve Him,and likewise the world does not recognise Him. Consider the month we are in ,its the month in which Christmas falls,the very name Christmas will be heard by millions of people who will receive cards,and Christmas presents, but they will not receive Christ. God the Father sent Jesus into this world because He loves humanity (John 3 v6). Someone has said would it be different if He came again?,Studdert-Kennedy in His poem 'Indiffernce', wrote the following,
'When Jesus came to Birmingham they simple passed Him by,
They never hurt a hair of Him, they only let Him die;
For men had grown more tender,and they would not give Him pain,
They only just passed down the street, and left Him in the rain.
'Ignored by the many
Received by the few.
' But in this world of sin, where meek souls will receive Him still
The dear Christ enters in'.
Words P.Brooks
Monday, 9 December 2024
Blindness ( John 9 v 39)
I recently had my eyes tested ,and the optician told me that my eye sight was near the point where I wouldn't be able to drive. It is consider ,if you cannot read a number plate at 29 meters you are not fit to drive ,and so I would loose my driven licence.Like a lot of old people I needed cataract surgery,and so I was referred to a hospital to have the problem dealt with. I have had one eye done the worst one,and will have the other one done in a short time.So today I went out and looked at some cars number plates and without my glasses on ,with my operated eye I could see them clearly. Let us consider a spiritual application, the unsaved man is blind to spiritually (1 Corinthians 2 v 14). I thought of Israel who have not accepted Jesus as their Messiah? ,yet they have the scriptures that clearly show that Christ is their Messiah.The Apostle Paul had a great burden for his people the Jews that they would be saved,he tells us that blindness in part has happened to them, (Romans 11 v25)other translations calls it a hardness.This is a judgement by God (Romans 8 v18).As one writer comments,'it is as if a veil lies over their hearts and minds'. But lets broaden it out to all of mankind,they are spiritually blind,blinded by Satan (2 Corinthians 4 v 3-4),and by their hard hearts,like Pharaoh of Egypt,( Ex 7 v 13) Remember God is sovereign and He will show mercy to whom he will show mercy (Romans 9 v 18) There is hope for we read in 2 Corinthians 3v16 'But when-ever anyone turns to the Lord ,the veil is taken away'.
'I once was blind but now I see
by God's mercy and grace,
Sunday, 8 December 2024
Holiness ( Psalm 139 v 23 - 24)
What do you think of holiness? it is seen by many non-Christians as a kill joy, some Christians may even agree with that.It is emphasised in God's word a lot, because it is of the utmost importance.But first of all let us consider, the Bible calls God,''The Holy One'' over fifty times it is mentioned in the Bible ,and the Spirit God,''Holy Spirit '' ''ninety times. Christ is called the ''Holy One of God''.The hymn writer declared,'OnlyThou art holy', God is absoluetly holy,it is hard for us to grasp this truth.In our unsaved state we could not look upon such holiness,we would be burnt to a frazzle.Moses was told,'you cannot see my face ,for no one may see Me and live' (Exodus 33 v20),it will not be until we stand in glory will we be able to look upon God. R.C.Sproul said,''When we understand the character of God, and when we grasp something of His holiness, then we begin to understand the radical character of our sin and hopelessness'.The unsaved person does not grasp this,but will ,one day.Through Christ death on the cross God has made for us, away to know God , as our Father.Through Him we can come boldly into God's holy presence. (Hebrews 4 v16) As Christians we are set apart by God to be holy,it is obivious that while we are accepted by God now,yet we still are imperfect,and so God declares to us Christians,'Be holy ,because I am holy' ,(1 Peter 1 v16/Lev 11 v44)These words are a challenge to all of God's children,of course we will never be fully holy here,but we must daily strive after holiness,long for that goal,until we are in glory.
'Robert Murry Mc Cheyne said,
'Lord make me as holy as a pardoned sinner can be'.
Saturday, 7 December 2024
Finish. ( Luke 9 v 62)
It was the apostle Paul who wrote ,'I have finished the race' (2 Timothy 4 v 7),and it was our Saviour on the cross who cried ,'It is finished'( John 19 v30) When it comes to the Christian life it is important, I would say vital to continue in the faith,I know so many people and they gave up following Jesus,The term backslider is what they are called,they once ran well,but there was a time when they stopped running and turned back. One of the companions who went with Christian (in Pilgrims progress) on their way to the celestual city,Ignorance turned back when he was so near to entering into the city Christian declared,' Then I saw that there was a way to hell,even from the gates of heaven,as well as from the City of destruction!'Lots wife looked back and she perished,so it is if we turn back we will be lost. In Matthew 24 v 13 we read,'But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved'.The question we may ask ,were they not Christians?did not Jesus say.'I give thm eternal life and they shall never perish'(John 10 v28) So why did our Saviour say what He did? because their will be those who like Judas who was a disciple yet was not a true believer.It is John in his first epistle who writes as regards those who turned away from Christ,'They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. for if they had belonged to us,they would have remained with us; But their going showed that none of them belonged to us.' I would just add the backslider can be restored if they turn back to God , I did.(1 v 19).Sir Walter Raleigh prayed the following prayer.
'O Lord God ,when you give your servants to endeavour any great matter,
grant us also to know that it is not the beginning but the continuing of the
same to the end, until it be thoroughly finished,which yields the true glory;
through him who for the finishing of your work,laid down his life,our
redeemer,Jesus Christ.'
Friday, 6 December 2024
Shine (John 5 v 14-16 )
There is a hymn with the words'this dark world of sin' yes it is a dark world,be very sure about that,and it is in John 8 v 12,our Saviour said,'I am the light of the world',when we trust Jesus as our Saviour,we are translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.That means that we will no longer walking in darkness,I witnessed to two people recently and the things they were saying, and it revealed to me,the darkness that they were in. We see clearly the darkness people that people are in so many aspects of life it is very sad,and very serious in its consequences. We are not to despair as to the darkness ,no, we are to shine,our Saviour has gone to heavem and he has left us a task,we read about it Matthew 5v16,He said ,'You are the light of the world' and He goes on to say,'Let your light shine before others,that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven' there are two ways in which we can witness to people by our words and by our lives.It was Nietzsche the philospher said, 'Show me you are redeemed, and I will believe in your redeemer'. I read of a family in China who had a daughter who had special needs her name is Abigal.Her parents took her to a Christian education project, called ,'Well of love',she came after dark as her father was ashamed of her, but things changed for the better, Abigail made great progressed,this had an effect especially on the father,so one day he appeared at the centre and asked if he could know the God who had so changed his family's life. I leave you with a verse from a children's hymn.
'Jesus bids us shine with a pure ,clear light;
Like a little candle burning in the night,
In this world of darkness,so we must shine,
You in your small corner and I in mime.'
Thursday, 5 December 2024
The call of God.(Joshua 1 v 9)
What had Moses,Gideon,and Jeremiah in common? ,they all felt weak and inadequate,and yet God called the three of them to serve him.Moses was called to lead Israel out of Egypt. For Moses it started in a strange way,while out looking after his father in laws sheep,God spoke to him from a bush, why a bush?ask God. Moses replied to God's call,that he was an inadequate speaker,he also requested God to send someone else.I knew a man who when he was young had a stutter,God helped him to overcome that, and he went on to establish a Christian mission. (Exodus 3 -4 v 1-17) When God called Gideon he said to God,'Pardon me,my Lord......'but how can I save Isreal? my clan is the weakest in Manasseh,and I am least in my family.'Your background is no hindrance in relation to the call of God, many of God's sevants came from a poor background.William Carey was a cobbler by trade and God used him mightly in India.Next Jeremiah ,when God called him,he said a similar thing as Moses, but he also said ,'I am to young' ( Jeremiah 1 v 6) one of the greatet minister in England was C H.Spurgeon, he became a minister at 19. God said to Moses,'I will be with you( Exodus 3 v12) God said to Gideon ,'I will be with you' (Judges 6 v16) God said to Jeremiah ,'I am with you'( Jeremiah 1 v 8).When God calls us to His service,He will be with us.
Wednesday, 4 December 2024
New sight. ( Psalm 146 v 8 )
A dear friend of mind recently had a cataract operation,a cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye, he mentioned the tremendous improvement in his sight.He could see things so much better,sight is a very precious gift.Our Saviour healed the blind ,it is hard to take it in how they must have felt.Now there is another type of blindness that is spiritual blindness,our Saviour called the religious leaders blind guides Matthew 23 v19.and speaking of the non-Christian the apostle Pual writes that they walk in the futility of their mind,having their understanding darkened,being alienated from the life of God , because of the ignorance that is them, and the blindness of their hearts',John Newton wrote that he was once blind ,but now he could see.When Christ becomes your Saviour,you see things with new sight and new understanding ,George Robinson wrote ,'Heaven above is softer blue,earth around is sweeter green something lives in every hue Christless eyes have never seen; birds with gladder songs o'erflow,flowers with deeper beauties shine,since I know as now I know, I am His and He is mine' Yes when Christ becomes our Saviour we see things change.We see Christ as he truly is, we see the importance of obeying God,we see the importance of walking in newness of life, we see that God's will must always take first place in our lives.
'I once was blind but now I see'
Tuesday, 3 December 2024
We all underestimate. ( Romans 3 v 23)
The more I read the history of the 20th century,and the terrible wars that took place,it really makes me think how true what the word of God says about human nature.It is summed up in 10 words,hear they are', 'The heart is deceitful above all things,and desperately wicked'.(Jeremiah 17 v 9) There is a line that follows these words,which reads,'Who really knows how bad it is?' I catch a glimps of the wickedness of my own heart so often, and I must confess it frightens me, I read of a soldier who wrote a letter to his loved ones, in it he wrote of the love for his family,and eulogised of the beauty of a sunset. Then he went on to describe how he participated in a massacre of many civilians during which he clubbed a baby against a tree'.Because of our fallen nature we all can commit things that our unthinkable.I mentioned before that I and a number of boy soldiers,listened to an adult soldier, boasting how he and another friend raped two women,I thought he was a nice person,but but he showed no awareness of the evil he had committed.Our fallen nature manifests itself in different degrees, but we all need to be saved ,God who is holy is offended by any degree of sin,there are no exceptions ,without Christ saving you, you will suffer the wrath of God just as much as that soldier I have mentioned.
Monday, 2 December 2024
Hope beyond. ( Revelation 21 v 1 -5 )
We're born,we live, and we die, so that's it?,for most people that's it, but of course we were never meant to die,but the moment sin entered in ,death entered ,in Romans 5 v12 we read,'Therefore ,just as sin entered the world through one man,and death through sin,and in this way death came to all people, because all have sinned'.I spoke to a man recently, I brought death into the conversation,I asked him what happens when you die,he pointed downwards,I said to him it does'nt have be ,trust the Saviour and it will be upwards. As a minister I have to remind people about death ,I know that man didn't want to hear about death,but it is important that he did hear,not just about death,but after death. He pointed down,he may have indicating that was it,but of course its not ,there is a heaven and there is a hell,that's something else he didn't want to hear,like most people,and sad to say most preachers don't mention it.Why ? that's a good question. I visited two dear Christians,both are very elderly,the man had Parkinson,he has died since ,his dear wife is wheelchair bound.None of it is very nice,in my prayer time I wept for them,Yet during the visit to them I read from Revelation 21,it speaks of eternal glories,how God will be wth them,and that God will wipe away all tears,and there will be no more death or mournng or crying or pain, for all those things will have passed away'.What a wonderful word of comfort,to God's children,yes there is hope beyond the awfulness of death,when you trust Jesus as your Saviour.
Sunday, 1 December 2024
This far the Lord has helped us. ( I Samuel 7 v 2-14 )5
Psalm 37 v 25.
'I have been young and now I am old,
yet I have never seen the righteous
forsaken or their children begging
Here we have David and he is old, and this is what he testifies,that he has never seen the righteous forsaken,or their children begging bread. Of course there will be exceptions when God's children will know hardships and difficulties,but they will not be forsaken.Whither it be fair weather or stormy weather God will never forsake them.As regards our needs God will provide,that is my experience, I have mentioned a time when my first wife and I lived by faith,when we attended college ,God supplied our needs.During that time I told a lady how we were living ,and she said we were begging,but we weren't, I never in my life begged of anybody, nor has any of my children. God honoured our faith and our needs were met.If we read Davids life we see that there were two times that he asked people for help ,the first one was of the priest Ahimelek (1 Samuel 21) the second one was when he asked Nabal(1 Samuel 25). We should not box ourselves into a corner,sometimes it is permissible to go to someone for help, sometimes God would be using you to test them,to see if they will give. God is faithful and will provide for his peoples needs,and His chilldrens needs,
'Begone unbelief ! my Saviour is near
And for my relief will surely appear.
By prayer let me wrestle and He will perform;
With Christ in the vessel I smile at the storm.
John Newton
Saturday, 30 November 2024
Be still. ( Psalm 27 ) 4
' Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him;
do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when
they carry out their wicked schemes.'
Psalm 37 v 7
Rudyard Kipling the poet wrote,'If you can keep your head when all about are losing theirs and blaming it on you,'it is not easy to do that,so let us take a moment to consider the writer of psalm 37, David a man who found himself in many a tight spot. When king Saul ruled, David became a fugitive and a wanted man,in that Saul wanted to kill him.So often it was not just a matter of panicking,that would not have helped,but he learned a very important lesson,that of resting in God and waiting patiently for God to act on his behalf. He is telling us to not to press the panic button,even though everything is against us,even though our enemies have the upper hand. Their success was a false dawn, the reality was that God was against them and would deal with them,and would rescue David out of their clutches.The apostle Paul wrote .'If God be for us ,who can be against us' (Romans 8 v 31),you cannot be beaten if God is for you,you cannot loose,so be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.
'A mighty fortress is our God,
A mighty shield and weapon'
Matin Luther
Friday, 29 November 2024
Keep in step.( Psalm 119 v 105 )3
' Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in Him and He will do this;
Psalm 37 v 5
Whatever way we should go, and whatever works or enterprises we are involved in,committ them to God,it may be a great venture or a small venture,it matters not,commit it all to God,leave nothing to chance.My favourite commentary on the Psalms is by William S.Plumer it is no longer published,and I would like to share with you some of his comments on this verse,.'Trust also in Him,' 'If God favors an enterprise,it will not fail if we build a house ,it will stand.The error against which we are here warnerd is reliance on our own strength or wisdom,The encouragement here given is to renounce all self confidence and to look to God alone, that He will graciously undertake our case, bear our burdens,and accomplish for us that which we could never bring to pass, David had a beautiful illustrtion of the truth here urged, in his coming into full and peaceable possession of the throne'. Remember our way should be His way,then all will be well,if we are in step with God He will guide our footsteps,make sure you are not out of step with God or you may fall flat on your face/He will open doors no one can shut,He will lead us in the right way,and His way is perfect ,He never makes a mistake,He is the perfect guide.
'O let me see Thy footmarks, and in them plant mine own;
My hope to follow duly is in Thy strength alone.
O guide me,call me,draw me,uphold me to the end;
And then in heaven receive me,my Saviour and my Friend'
Words John E.Bode.
Thursday, 28 November 2024
Delight ( Matthew 7 v 7) 2
'Psalm 37 v4 '
'Take delight in the Lord,and He will give you
the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37 v 4)
So many people delight in vain things,things of no accord,the list is endless,My friend was on the pastorial team in a hospice,he visted a man who told him that he didn't want anything to do with God.My friend asked him what did he want,? he wanted to hear a certain group singing,my friend got him a recording of the group. That was what he delighted in,vain vanites,let us lift our desires to a higher level,our desires,can be our requests,petitions,and in keeping with God's will he will give us them.Plumber writes ,'Moses had a great desire to see God's glory;and the Lord showed him as much as he could bear. Solomon had a quenchless thirst after knowledge and wisdom,and Jehovah made him the wisest of mere men'I remember when I worked in the grain terminal,it was to say the very least a very dusty job,I really wanted out of it,and I wanted a job that I could wear nice clothes,and God got me that job. I also wanted to serve God in Christian ministry and God got me that job.
' This is the confidence we have in appoaching
God; that if we ask anything according to his
will,He hears us,And if we know that He hears
us whatever we ask,we know that we have what
we asked for'
(1 John 5 v 14- 15)
Wednesday, 27 November 2024
Trust , (Isaiah 12 v 2) 1
There are very instructive verses in Psalm 37 the first one reads,
'Trust in the Lord and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy
safe pature' v 3
What God desires from us is trust,we honour Him when we trust Him ,Israel's history so often was filled with fretting and fearfulness,with the result they didn't always trust and obey, so they suffered because of their rebelliousness, and unbelief in God .Peter walked on water but faith deserted him,and Jesus had to save him from drowning.( Matthew 14 v 25-31)Jesus asked him ,''why did you doubt?,'' doubt will put a spanner in the works all the time,it did for Peter,and it will do the same for you and me.Trust in the Lord and then he adds,'do good',it was said of our dear Saviour that He went about doing good, ( Acts 10 v 38)let us follow in his footsteps,there are so many people doing bad things, let us be people who do good things.The last part of the verse reads,'dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture',one commentator puts it like this,'So shalt thou dwell in the land and live securely',let the Lord be your security ,the result will be,'The Lord will keep you from all harm ,He will watch over your life,He will watchover your coming and going both now and forever more.(Psalm 121 v 7-8 ) Lastly 'and enjoy safe pasture',in other words God would provide for his children,so let us not dwell in doubting castle,
'Be gone unbelief!my Saviour is near
And for my relief will surely appear..
By prayer let me wrestle and He will perform;
With Christ in the vessel I smile at the storm'.
'John Newton'
Tuesday, 26 November 2024
All our lives. ( Psalm 37 v 25 )
' All my life you have been faithful,
All my life you have been so,so good,
With every breath, that I am able,
I will sing of the goodness of God''
God is faithful, no one in all of history is as faithful as God, why oh why has He not given up on planet earth. Well the Word of God says,that He is a faithful Creator (1 Peter 4 v19),that means He has not given up on planet earth,it belongs to Him and to Him alone,as He promised'As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest,cold and heat,summer and winter,day and night will never cease ',(Genesis 8 v 22) He is faithful to His Word, but Peter reminds us that the end is coming of this present world at a time appointed by God,yes there is a reason why it is delayed, His divine patience,and mercy,and love desires that all should come to repentance, and faith in Christ, so the earth continues.We who are His Children are not forsaken, He is a faithful loving Heavenly Father,many of His children have suffered throughout history ,and many at this present time are suffering,He will loose none of them. (John 10 v 28 -30 ).Whatever our experience in life,we can with Jeremiah declare ,great has been God's faithfulness. (Lamentations 3 v 23) ,and we can all say.
'All our lives you have been faithful
All our lives you have been so,so good'
Words by 'Ben Fielding/Brian Johnson'
Monday, 25 November 2024
We are all one.{ Revelation 4 v 9 )
I visited a church recently ,and one of the leaders said to me ,that they had at least 42 different nationalities attending their church. I said that was wonderful it is what the church is all about,as John 3 v16 tells us,'that God so loved the world'.Sad it is ,that down through history , there were groups who raised barriers ,excluding people on the bases of colour and race.In Romans 16 v 1-23,Paul sends greetings to the saints in Rome naming 26 individuals, diverse in race and gender.At that time there were Jewish believers who really wanted the status quo to continue,and of course that was wrong, it was weakening the idea of a universal church.It is also weakens it, when we exclude people on the bases of social standing or whatever .Yet it still goes on,we hear people referring to a church as a' black church',the little childrens song goes,'Jesus loves the little children all the children of the world,red and yellow,black and white all our precious in His sight' That's the way it should be,everyone should be accepted equally into the Church of Chirst.Our Saviour said ,'There shall be one flock and one shepherd.' (John 10 v16)and in Galatians 3 v28 we read,'There is neither Jew nor Gentile,neither slave nor free,nor is there male and female,for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
' Salvation is indiscriminate'
Sunday, 24 November 2024
A mind at peace with God.( Romans 8 v14 -17)
'But now in Christ Jesus you who
once were far away have been
brought near by the blood of
'Ephesians 2 v 13'
'A mind at peace with God,O what a word is this!
A sinner reconciled through blood; this,this indeed is peace.
By nature and by practice far,so very far from God!
Yet now by grace brought near to Him,through faith in Jesus blood.
So near,so very near to God,I cannot nearer be;
For in the person of His Son, I am as near as He.
So dear, so very dear to God,more dear I cannot be;
The love with which He loves His Son,such is His love for me.
Why should I ever be anxious be,when kept by power divine?
This is my God who says to me,that all He has is mine.'
'Words Catesby Pagent'
Saturday, 23 November 2024
Deliver us from all evil. (Philippians 4 v 11-13 )
The words of Agur in Proverbs 30 v 7- 9 are very helpful,it is a prayer, it reads,
'Two things I ask of you,Lord; do not refuse me before I die;
Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty
nor riches,but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may
have to much and disown you and say.''Who is the Lord?''
Or I may become poor and steal,and so dishonour the name
of my God
Hear is a man who wants to honour God ,he sees the evil in falsehood and lies,so he asks God for his help,it is good to recognise our weaknesses,and how easily it is to sin,Shakespeare wrote ,'Man know thyself', Yes even as Christians we can easily loose our way,and fall into practices that our wrong,in the light of that we need Gods help everyday,as the song goes,'I need Thee every hour'.The next two things he touches on is poverty and riches,D Atkinson write ,'We need help to use both poverty and wealth appropriately'. As regards prosperity read Deuteronomy 6 v10-12,which shows clearly,the dangers to our spiritual life,as regards prosperity,even to the place of forgetting God.Leupold writes'To cope with prosperity may be more difficult,than to cope with poverty'.As regards poverty,no one likes to be poor,and in that condition we can be tempted to steal, Poverty does not give us a right to commit wrongs.Agur pleads with God to keep him from the extremes ,and to have enough to live on.
' Whatever state we find ourselves in,may
we glorify God'
Friday, 22 November 2024
I was not perfect. ( Philippians 1 v 6 )
A young lad was singing a song about his dad who had died recently,some of the words went like this,' No need to forgive,no need to forget,I know your mistakes and you know mine'.I attended a funeral recently of someone I have known for a long time,we were joint leaders in a certain church. The service was full of tributes to that brother,and I was impressed by what was said,every thing was very positive,as you would expect it to be. I am a father of five son's, I have been married twice,my first wife died of cancer. I am eighty years of age and looking back back on my life as a husband I wasn't perfect ,likewise as a father,I made mistakes. When it comes to my funeral I hope they will point out that I was far from perfect,as a husband I was faithful I loved both my wives,but I was not the perfect husband ,likewise I loved my children, but I was not a perfect father,I made mistakes,and they made mistakes,but I have loved them greatly.Let us remember that there are no perfect husbands, and no perfect children,but this I know if God had not saved me early in my life, I would have been a worse person,I can quarantee that.I exalt the grace of God,and the mercy of God , and the love of God ,for saving a wretch like me when I trusted Jesus as my Saviour.
'Amazing grace! how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind but now I see.'
John Newton.