verse of the day

Wednesday 2 November 2022

I exaggerate not. ( Romans 5 v 6 - 11)

A  survivor of the Holocaust attended the trial of one person involved in the Holocaust,and as he looked at him he said, he saw an ordinary man,and that upset him,and he thought ,that could me standing their.The problem of all us is ,we underestimate our fallen human nature.We all know the saying,'there but by the grace of God go I',so true, the scripture tells us a very important truth  ,' The heart is more deceitful than all else,and is desperately sick;Who can understand it'. Jeremiah 17 v19,in v 10, we read ,' I, the Lord, search the heart',only God knows the full  fallenness of our human nature,and the dreadful potential towards evil that dwells within,  potentially there is a Judas Iscariot in all of us, it is as serious as that, I do not exaggerate.We are all sin sick souls, in fact as we are born, we are dead spiritually, separated from a holy God by our sinful condition.  The problem is, no human being has the answer, for our sickness,yes mankind finds answers for many things, but only God and He alone,has the answer of humanities sinful condition, left to ourselves we are lost and hell beckons.God has provided the answer through Jesus death on the cross,if you are not Christian I urge you to trust Jesus as your Saviour ,He alone can forgive you  your sins,and set you free .

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