verse of the day

Wednesday 15 January 2020

Wrestling ( Ephesians 6 v 18 )

We continue to look at Epaphras the servant of Christ who prayed for his fellow believers,yes he prayed,but consider how he prays,we read that he was always praying.I showed a person recently a plaque with these words on  it,'Prayer changes things'. I asked him if he believed this,his reply and further conversation,indicated that he may have prayed earlier in his life, but not now.Churches used to have prayer meetings, but not now. But Epaphras  was always praying, he had not given up,or given in,no he was always praying.The hymn writer  wrote,'We perish if we cease to pray,' are you perishing?Here is part of a prayer I read,'O God of the open ear,teach me to live by prayer',help me prize the privilege of prayer,that when I advance not in prayer,I backslide,may I be helped by your Spirit,to pray,to pray, to pray,in Jesus name . Amen.

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