verse of the day

Wednesday 29 January 2020

I am the worse. ( Luke 18 v 9 - 14 )

It is Paul who writes in 1 Timothy 1 v 15,' Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,of whom I am the worse'. Where did He come from? ,the answer is ,from Heaven.Yes Jesus preexisted before He was born in Bethlehem,  C P,  John 1 v 1 / 17 v 5/ 2  Corinthians 8 v 9 . Why did He leave heaven and come to earth? the answer is very simple and very important ,'To save sinners', Mohammad cannot save sinners,Buddha  cannot save sinners,only Jesus can do that,that's why he came.Why did Paul say that he was the worse of sinners?,surely there were worse sinners  than Paul.Yes there were worse sinners than Paul ,on these words John Stott writes the following,'The truth is that when we are convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit,an immediate result is that we give up all comparisons.Paul was so vividly aware of his own sins that he could not conceive that anybody could be worse. It is the language of every sinner whose conscience has been awakened and disturbed by the Holy Spirit.'

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